unyielding self-love.

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Unyielding Self Love

In the depths of my being, a flame burns bright,
An unyielding self-love, a guiding light.
A reservoir of strength, where courage resides,
Nurturing my spirit as it gracefully glides.

With unwavering devotion, I embrace my worth,
Recognizing that self-love is a lifelong birth.
In the mirror's reflection, I see a soul so pure,
Embracing my flaws, knowing I am secure.

In a world that may seek to diminish my shine,
I stand tall, claiming what is rightfully mine.
For self-love is not a fleeting affair,
But a steadfast commitment, beyond compare.

I tend to my heart, with gentle care,
Embracing my essence, beyond what others may share.
Unyielding self-love, a sanctuary within,
A wellspring of compassion, where healing begins.

I nourish my mind, with thoughts that uplift,
Cultivating self-belief, a powerful gift.
I let go of judgment, comparison, and doubt,
Choosing self-acceptance, as I journey throughout.

In my choices and actions, I honor my needs,
Setting boundaries, tending to my soul's seeds.
For unyielding self-love requires listening within,
Saying no when necessary, and letting my light begin.

I celebrate my victories, no matter how small,
Acknowledging my progress, embracing it all.
In the face of adversity, I stand strong,
An unyielding force, resilient and lifelong.

I forgive myself for mistakes that I make,
Embracing my humanness, the learning it takes.
For self-love is not about perfection's demand,
But accepting myself, flaws and all, hand in hand.

In the embrace of self-love, I find liberation,
A love that's unwavering, a source of elation.
With each breath I take, I affirm my worth,
An unyielding self-love, a treasure unearthed.

So I vow to cherish myself, day by day,
To love every part, come what may.
For unyielding self-love is the greatest gift I can give,
A love that empowers, in which I fully live.

musings of the mind | a poetry collection On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara