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"Mama! Mama! Look at this shell I find!" Temperance said, holding something out on her palm.

You walked over, squatting down next to her in the sand. "It looks beautiful Tempy."

It was a pretty blue and sparkly, curling upwards into a point. It looked like it might've once been a hermit crab shell.

"How many shells have you found?" James asked, running up behind her. He had a handful of shells in his hands, though most of them were in beige and tan colours.

"Six!" Tempy said, smiling up at her older brother. "Look how pretty they are!"

James smiled as she held out the blue, purple, and green shells.

"Wow Tempy, those are some perty shells." He said with a grin. For some reason, the goofball had tried picking up some sort of southern accent. He had changed his way of speaking and all that. When you asked Tony about it, Tony had shrugged and said, "I don't know where he gets it from. Rhodey had zero sense of humor." Tony paused and then said, "he must get it from Clint."

"What is Vera doing?" You asked. Vera was farther up the beach, digging with a stick.

"She's looking for rocks." James said.

"Rocks!" Temperance scoffed, rolling her cute little brown eyes she'd gotten practically copied over from Tony. "Boring!"

"Temperance." You scolded lightly. "Vera likes collecting rocks as much as you like collecting shells. Be nice about it, okay?"

"Yes mama." Temperance said, before running after James to go and find more rocks.

You moved back to where you'd been sitting on a towel under an umbrella, picking up the poetry book that Loki had gifted you. The same one that he had read to you several times and had told Minerva about. It was one of your most prized possessions.

You had decided that a vacation was exactly what the kids needed. A break from the craziness of dads being superheroes and death and sadness. A break from the news and social media. Just a month of relaxation and peace. Reading books and laughing playing card games.

"Hey sweetheart." Steve said, interrupting your thoughts. He sat down behind you, pulling you against his chest.

"Hi Stevie. Where are the others?" You asked.

"They're still up at the main house setting everything up. I know we came out here to get away from the craziness but you know Fury. He's not going to relax until security is set up all around the house and F.R.I.D.A.Y. has been installed in silent mode." Steve sighed. "And the others are setting up for Kiara's birthday."

"Great, she's so excited." You said with a smile, leaning back into him. "And yeah, I kind've expected Fury to do so. Especially on a private, mostly deserted island."

Steve chuckled. "Anyways, sorry for leaving you out here with all of them by yourself. I'm sure they're being a handful."

"Actually, it hasn't been so bad." You said. "Tempy found some new shells to add to her collection and so did James. Vincent, Marcel, and Lloyd have been messing around in the water. Lucy is teaching Kiara to swim, which I've been monitoring closely. Rán, well she's being Rán." You pointed to where Rán was manipulating water. She was much like Elizabeth with her powers, except that they did move over to Ice. Only liquids. "And Vera is playing with the rocks again and I'm going to be making one of you check to make sure she doesn't try to bring bugs back either because I'm not going near any of those creepy-"

"Mom look!" Vera's voice interrupted you and you turned. You were out of Steve's arms in seconds, backing up descreately as she showed you the large beetles that she had found while playing in the rocks.

Avengers Colour Soulmate AU- Book 2Where stories live. Discover now