Adrian: I Do

PRIEST: And do you Marie Summers take Adrian Silvers to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and hold in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?

Marie: I Do

PRIEST: well then you may now kiss the bride

Adrian slowly went closer and closer to me and we kissed passionately






nothing could separate us together.. I WISH


*3 weeks later *

I woke up realizing that I'm already married to the guy I love

as I woke up I was shocked he isn't beside me anymore

I quickly got out of bed and take a bath

as I finished I dressed up for work and immediately ran downstairs and there I see the most handsome husband ever

"goodmorning" he started

all dressed up in a teacher's P.E. uniform

"goodmorning" I replied

"I made breakfast" he stated

"I can tell" I joked

"Ha Ha very funny, listen I owe your cousin for helping me fix the fucked up problem and well I told him if we have kids I'm making him a God Father" he explained

"ha, that's nice..." I replied

"well then.. after we eat lets go to work" he reminded

as we finished eating we went straight to school



Student 1: uhm. Mrs. Silvers why weren't we invited to your wedding?

"goodmorning class... and Trixie it is because you guys are too many. Hahaha oh that reminds me your first class today is sir silvers right?" I greeted then asked

"yes Miss..." student 2 replied

as I left the 7E class I bumped into someone

"oh im sorry" I started

"it's alright hon" He replied

"A-Adrian..." I stuttered

"Yeah?" He asked

"you better go to 7E and---" I was cut off because I had to run going to the comfort room and vomit

whats wrong with me?


Adrian's POV:

as I was going to 7E's classroom I accidentally bumped into my wife... we had a small talk but then she suddenly ran away going to the girls comfort room

I went inside the classroom of 7E and said

"president please take over... my wife i mean your adviser ran towards the comfort room and I have to check if she is alright" I announced then immediately ran towards the girls comfort room

"hon?" I started

"yeah?" she replied in a sick voice

"are you alright?" I asked

"y-yeah I am.. *thud*" she replied weakly then suddenly I heard a loud fall and with that I ran inside

i don't care if Im inside the girls comfort room, I just can't lose my wife

and with that I called the clinic and told them everything

they immediately ran to me and carried my wife going to the clinic

what happened to her?!

~minutes later~

"we have to bring her to the hospital" Dr. Francine said


doctor: Mr. Silvers?

me: it is I, so doc... what happened to my wife

doctor: good news is your wife is pregnant for 2 weeks

me: whats the bad news?

doctor: there is no bad news... she was just stressed thats why she fainted

me: oh phew thanks doctor

doctor: you are welcome.. just take care of her okay?

me: yes doc, thank you

(A/N: sorry for the long update i got writers block and plus school is near huhuhu i cry anyways hope you guys wont abandon this book... hahaha VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE THIS STORY
oh I love you guys and stay awesome!)

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