Chapter 22|The Grandour Stone

Start from the beginning

“Tell me about it?” Henry plopped on the bed. “I only just started.”

“And where did he take you?”

“Oh my god! Miyu it was amazing! It was a date and it was-“

She gasped. “A picnic in the forest under herkit trees?”

“Yes! I guess I talk about that a lot.”

“You have to tell me every nitty gritty detail you hear me?”

“Of course, you and Fallon are my best friends. I can’t not tell you guys!”

Miyu laughed mirthlessly. As much as she wanted to swoon and cooed at the cute date, she only had Fallon on her mind.

“Hey guys!”

Speaking of which, Fallon smiled and walked into the room.

“Fallon!” Henry perked up and hugged him, pulling him in the bed and kissing his cheek, nose, forehead and chin.

“Okay okay! I get it. You miss me!”

As much as it pricked his heart to see Henry. His happiness was Fallon’s happiness, and the smile spreading across his face was genuine, unlike when he walked into the room.

Besides, he still got smooches from time to time. He could survive with that. And not even Ezra was going to come between him and his smooches.

Fallon sat up-right while Henry snuggled him by the waist watching Miyu finish up setting the game.

“And we’re ready for Miyu to win!”

“Girl the only thing you’re gonna win is a consolation prize.” Fallon said.

“Wanna bet?”

“Well sure!”

“I got the perfect one!” Henry said, a mischievous grin forming. “Loser has to give the other two a spy treatment. That includes a pedicure and a massage.”

“Deal!” Miyu and Fallon said, and the game was on.


“Hey, get in between those toes.” Fallon demanded. “I’m one of those people that let the soapy water run down my legs instead of washing them.”

“Ew! Fallon!” Henry recoiled.

“Don’t pretend you don’t do it either!”

“Yeah but not as much as you.”

“Oh masseur, my back needs some work now.”

Henry rolled his eyes as Miyu laid in his bed, a towel covering her butt.

“Let this sit and I’ll be right back.”

Henry placed Fallon’s toes in the warm water and he chilled back on the bay window. He closed his eyes, taking in the crocks of frogs and cricket chirps of the night.

Suddenly, a blue light prickled in the air of Henry’s room and Cedric materialized. “Oh yes! Renewed again!”

“Hey Cedric.” Miyu said, her words breaking up from Henry’s back chopping.

“Got set back again?” Henry asked.


“I was to ask you,”

“Ow!” Miyu winced, knowing very well Henry squeezed her shoulders on purpose.

“How does your device work?”

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