I have never been on the receiving end of rejection. Okay...so I was always one of the last to be picked for basketball or volleyball - but I understood that - running and doing something else at the same time like bouncing or throwing a ball is not my thing. I am a serious liability in any sporting field.

Romantically, though, I've never put myself out there, ever. A lifetime of insecurity - I'm not tan enough, too thigh are too thick, too scruffy, uncoordinated, my long list of faults goes on. So I have always been the one to rebuff any would be admirers. There was that guy in my chemistry class who liked me, but no one has ever sparked my interest - no one except Bible. Maybe I should be kinder to the likes of Job Konglikit and Nodt Panyagarm, though I'm sure neither of them have been found sobbing alone in dark places. Perhaps I just need a good cry.

Stop! Stop Now! - My subconscious is metaphorically screaming at me, arms folded, leaning on one leg and tapping his foot in frustration. Get in the car, go home, do your studying. Forget about him...now! And stop all this self-pitying, wallowing crap.

I take a deep, steadying breath and stand up. Get it together Build. I head for Us' car, wiping the tears off my face as I do. I will not think of him again. I can just chalk this incident up to experience and concentrate on my exams.

Us is sitting at the dining table at his laptop when I arrive. His welcoming smile fades when he sees me.

"Bui, what's wrong?"

Oh no...not the Nititorn Akkarachotsopon Inquisition. I shake my head at him in a back-off now Us way - but I might as well be dealing with a blind, deaf mute.

"You've been crying," He has an exceptional gift for stating the damned obvious sometimes. "What did that bastard do to you?" He growls, and his face - jeez, he's scary.

"Nothing Us." That's actually the problem. The thought brings a wry smile to my face.

"Then why have you been crying? You never cry," He says, his voice softening. He stands, his brown eyes brimming with concern. He puts his arms around me and hugs me. I need to say something just to get him to back off.

"I was nearly knocked over by a cyclist." It's the best that I can do, but it distracts his momentarily from...him.

"Jeez Bui - are you okay? Were you hurt?" He holds me at arm's length and does a quick visual check-up on me.

"No. Bible saved me," I whisper. "But I was quite shaken."

"I'm not surprised. How was coffee? I know you hate coffee."

"I had tea. It was fine, nothing to report really. I don't know why he asked me."

"He likes you Bui." He drops his arms.

"Not anymore. I won't be seeing him again." Yes, I manage to sound matter of fact.


Crap. He's intrigued. I head into the kitchen so that he can't see my face.

"Yeah...he's a little out of my league Us," I say as dryly as I can manage.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh Us, it's obvious." I whirl round and face him as he stands in the kitchen door­way.

"Not to me," He says. "Okay, he's got more money than you, but then he has more money than most people in Asia!"

"Us, he's-" I shrug.

"Build! For heaven's sake - how many times must I tell you? You're a total babe," He interrupts me. Oh no. He's off on this tirade again.

"Us, please. I need to study." I cut him short. He frowns.

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