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The day Ranpo confessed to me was also the day I found out that I had fallen for Ranpo. Yeah I still liked Victoria but she had imperfections like how she wanted to move fast with the relationship and wanted to have sex every two days, of course I decided all of them since he wasn't really in love with her. Ranpo wasn't like her ... maybe I should break up with her, I thought . I had told myself that's why I can't love Ranpo. He's too good for me.

But Ranpo had told me that he was foolish for confessing and didn't mean anything he said. That hurt even if I wasn't fully aware of my feelings toward the smaller back then. I can't just continue to think this was. I get up and make my way to the nearest bar. I sat down at one of the stools.

POV-3 person

Poe had gotten drunk to the brim. He couldn't drink any more and chose to pay. Once Poe gets up he trips lucky but he could catch himself before he fell. He can still walk but not in a straight line. He makes his way to his office sitting on his chair. He was still fairly drunk. The door opens and Poe looks over to see a small male walk in, Ranpo. "Pretty boy!" Poe said in excitement to see Ranpo, Ranpo was shocked at the words that came out of Poe's mouth. He chose to ignore him and look for the candy he usually has at this desk, still ignoring anything the drunk boy would say. Ranpo looked everywhere for the candy but only found a lollipop. Ranpo felt a finger under his chin and looked over at Poe. He was way too close for Ranpo comfort though and looked away. Why are you playing with me Poe? Ranpo thought. Of course Ranpo was aware that Poe was drunk, it was quite clear to him. Ranpo gave up and asked Poe where he hid that candy.

Poe got up and Ranpo quickly followed him. Like a little duck He got a bag of candy from on top of the bookshelves and gave it to Ranpo, who got really happy when given the candy. Ranpo flopped down on the couch that Poe had in his office. Poe laid down resting his head on Ranpo's lap getting him flustered but still trying ignoring anything the older male did and said.

"Do you know how pretty you are when you are all flustered?" Poe said with a wide grin.

"Poe please don't say things like that, you have a girlfriend..." Ranpo said, looking away from Poe. "But you're so much better then her in so many ways, like you're smarter, prettier, funnier, and-" he was cut off by Ranpos hand covering his mouth "your drunk Poe you don't know what your saying, let's get you to sober up".

Poe listened to the younger male and went to Poe's home which wasn't too far away. Ranpo unlocked the door for both of them to enter, he also went to the kitchen to get Poe a glass of water and Poe went to the living room sitting on the couch. When Ranpo came back he handed the glass of water to Poe, he grabbed the glass of water and placed it on the coffee table pulling Ranpo towards him basically making him sit on his lap. Ranpo tried getting off but couldn't since Poe's grip on his waist was too strong for him, "Poe... please let me go, you're drunk!" Ranpo "But dear, this is the only time I can do this, yeah I might not remember this but I just want to hold babe" Ranpos face turned bright red gearing the word 'dear' and 'babe', Poe was right so stop trying to get out of his grip and turned around hugging Poe. If Poe didn't want to give up then so be it.

Poe was shocked but hugged him back. They stayed like that for about twenty minutes before Ranpo had to leave and finish his paperwork. Poe chose to finally drink the water and soon went to his bed and fell asleep.

The next day

Poe woke you with a big headache. He tried remembering what happened to see the reason all he could think about was him going to the bar and the rest was a blur to him. Poe went to his medicine cabinet to get some painkillers and gave some food to Karl before making some pancakes for himself.

Poe gave one of the berries that were on top of his pancakes before devouring them.



Poe looked at his phone to see two messages from Ranpo. He opened the messages.


Hey Poe!

I was wondering if you can come with me to the candy store


Thank you! I'll be at your place in a minute


Poe was happy to hang out with Ranpo. He got ready walking out of his room hearing a knock. He walked to the door opening it and seeing Ranpo "hey Ranpo" Poe spoked closing the door behind him and Karl, Ranpo just smiled and grabbed Poe's hand dragging him out, Karl followed the two boys.

They walk by the curb and Poe chose to speak first, hating the acquired silence "Are you ok Ranpo?" "Yeah, why do you ask?" Ranpo said, still not making eye contact with the other, "you just seemed a bit off" he said in a worried tone "oh well i'm not sorry to worry you" He lied. By the time the conversation died they reached the candy store. Ranpo would usually run straight to his favorite candy aisle but instead he walked there. Poe found this weird, but chose to not say anything for now. Ranpo got all his candy and went to the register and Poe followed behind him paying for all the candy.

They left the store with the awkward silence still following them "Ranpo please tell me, what's wrong? Did I do something? I really hate this,"Poe said, Ranpo finally looked up at him. "There is nothing wrong" Ranpo said, slightly losing his temper. "Ranpo I won't be scared to go back and return all the candy"

Poe said. Ranpo wouldn't lie that Poe scared him "Yesterday you got drunk right" he finally spoke.


"I came to your office and you called me names..." Ranpo said

" What names, were they bad names?"

"no, just names you shouldn't have said"

"what were they?"

"Pretty boy, Dear, babe, and cutie" of course Ranpo didn't want to talk about the thing Poe did to try and change the subject.

"I'm sorry Ranpo I was drunk I didn't know what I was doing I'm so sorry Ranpo" Poe said hugging the shorter boy.

"It's fine I know you didn't mean it"

"Thank you Ranpo"

They both went back home and went their separate ways.



I really hate how this one is sloppy but whatever. Have an amazing day and sleep/eat well and know you're loved by me and others!

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