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Yoongi quirked an eyebrow; the same way Taehyung does. "Because, I've lived with you long enough to know your habits, kid. That, and I've seen the letters you write for him; the ones that you think none of us know about. Oh, and there's the fact that the 'pebble and rock' distraction is getting rather old. Come on, I taught you better than that!" Yoongi pouts now. "I taught you to be sneakier than that."


اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


"I know you're sneaking out again to see him." He then stated matter-of-factly. "I know you are, so you might as well just admit it to me."

I broke down. "Please don't tell my father, Uncle Yoongi! Taehyung...Taehyung's important to me," I admit sheepishly, looking down in embarrassment. I almost practically then begged, "I'll do anything for you to keep this between us. Please. I just started to figure out how to be more independent, I don't really want to go back to being the 'sheltered little princess.'"

Yoongi let out a heavy sigh. "Your father's not going to like this. He'll have my head if he knows I consented to this, but fine. It'll be our secret, on one condition."

"Okay, fine. What is your condition?"

"Spend more time with your uncle, would you? I feel like I've barely seen you these past few months. You've always got your head buried in that sketchbook of yours, or writing to this 'Taehyung.' I never should have told Namjoon to get you that dang sketchbook. You're gone even more now, and, well, I miss you, kid..." Yoongi admits, and I knew this much verbal confirmation was hard for him. No way he would admit this to himself, much less out loud. "Besides, you should probably spend some more time with Namjoon anyway so that he doesn't get suspicious because he's already pestering me constantly about why you seem 'distant.' If he figures it out, I wouldn't need to say anything then."

My face fell, however, hearing that I'd neglected spending time with him so much that he was physically admitting to me that he missed me. For Yoongi, that was a big deal. "I'm sorry, Yoongs. I didn't know you felt that way. I promise I'll spend more time with you and my father. I mean it. I haven't forgotten about you." I send him a lopsided smile, my dimples popping out awkwardly. "You'll always be my favorite uncle."

A Cheshire-like grin etched its way onto Yoongi's feline-like features at that. "Good. I'll hold you to that promise, kid. Or I can't promise a certain someone's father won't find out about a certain boy. I mean, it's a probably teenage boy; and you're a teenage girl, I mean, basically adult," he corrects himself, "but still. You know how your father is. If he finds out, honestly, it's safe to say that probably both of us would be dead, because this is, oh my goodness," he squeals now, "a boy! With his girl. It's a life and death situation for him, you see." Yoongi shrugs his shoulders and rolls his eyes.

I gasped. "Don't you dare say anything, Uncle Yoongs."

"Then you better keep your promise."

"I will. I swear."

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