Next thing, there was a knock on the door. The door cracked, and Lina's head popped in. Her hair looked like a drape and was pushed back by a headband. She looked at us sideways and smiled at us.

"What are you guys doing in here?" She asked.

"Nothing," Father quickly said. "Just condoling your brother. He is going to become a man today!"

Lina smiled. "Well, come on! The limo is here now!"

I darted my eyes toward him. "You got a limo!"

Father chuckled. "Fuck yeah! I want to ride in style before you take the next step in life!"

He stood up and offered me a hand. I groaned and slightly bumped my head against the wall. I rolled my eyes and accepted his offer. Lina fully stepped into the bathroom and hugged both of us. Lina giggled and pulled us tighter into her firm hug. We all accepted her hug and stood there, enjoying the moment. Something about this moment felt like the world had disappeared. Mother was missing from this, but. It felt almost as good as when I kissed Kyle for the first time. But this was impeccable.

The limo blaring its horn interrupted us. It echoed throughout our house, which made us jump. Lina gasped and scurried away like a little squirrel.

"Well, I guess we have to go now. Clean up, Terrance. You still smell like puke. I will tell the limo driver to wait for you," He patted my head and shuffled my hair around. "I love you, son. I am sure your mother does, as well. We will visit her tonight."

He walked away, but I quickly told him to stop. He turned around and tilted his head. I sighed, "Thanks, Dad, for not judging. I am still figuring all of this out-my life, my love life, and everything. I still don't know what I am going to do. I still miss and am deeply in love with Kyle. The problem is... our relationship was based on both of us changing for one another. Is that a bad thing? Am I ready for love if I have to change who I am? Or am I just obsessed with the idea that the fantasy of my crush liking me back?"

Father clenched his hands and moved his hair back. He came up to me and grabbed my shoulders with his firm hands. "Son, love is one of the greatest mysteries that not even I know. If Kyle truly loves you, he will sacrifice to benefit you and him. That goes for you. But unfortunately, Kyle was taken away too young, pretty, and ignorant. He may never return, or he may. But if he doesn't, you can use this as a lesson. Always value yourself for the truth of love. And if he returns, and I hope he does, you two will never be the same. Sometimes, love doesn't always work out. But some do. Love is a river; you will never know where you'll end up."

I felt a tear slide down my face. "I fear he will never return. And I may have to restart the process again."

"Terrance, I know it's cruel. But if he does not return. Kyle would love for you to fall in love again with a different boy. You would be a fool not to."

It was the harsh words that hurt the most. I bit my lower lip. Yes, my father is cruel to his words, but it was a bitter truth that I had to hear. I can not keep holding onto Kyle if he is truly gone. My brain pulls me one way, yet my heart says to stay. But it was true. Kyle would love for me to fall in love again with another boy. With a boy who could make me laugh, who could make me cry, who would give me the inspiration to draw him, and somebody to talk to without judgment. I wish it were Kyle because he gave me all of that and some. But how my father's words captivated me made me feel like I had to slap myself with the bitter truth.

"Why does it hurt so bad?"

"Because it was real," He pulled me into a hug. I sniffled and embraced his huge, warming hug. I loved my father's hug, like hugging a warm blanket by a blazing fire pit on a winter's eve. "Did Kyle love you back?"

The Recital of Terrance ReedWhere stories live. Discover now