Chapter Eleven

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The night was still young, and I was partying with people I didn't know and who went to the same school the whole time. I kept taking shots of any drink I could lay my hands on. So I could forget the monstrosities that happened in the last week. The room became round, and I felt like taking photos with each step. God, was this to feel drunk? Or was it this to be drunk? I don't know. I hoped to find the group but was so caught up in speaking to everyone. So I stuck with the crowd, happy to hang out with me.

I ended up talking to Ryan; the drinks gave me courage too.

"Why the fuck did you think it was okay?" I asked him.

"If I was honest. I was only doing it to be dominant. So I could be seen as a bigger person." He replied.

"That's fucking dumb," I slurred.

"Yeah, it was. It backfired."

"Why do it at all? It doesn't make you a better person, just a jerk. If it's about reputation or ego, there are better ways to handle it."

He let out a sigh. "I understand that not everyone agrees regarding opinions about you. But I have to admit that I was willing to do anything just for my ego when I heard you were going to be at the party."

Confused, I asked him how he knew I was coming tonight.

"I probably shouldn't have said anything," he replied, nervously glancing around.

"No, please tell me," I urged, my words slightly slurred.

"It was Dennis. He mentioned that you were coming," he revealed. "I guess this was all a trap. And now, I realize that it was a bad idea. The kitchen floor was still wet, and I made a fool of myself. Why am I like this?"

I was left feeling puzzled and a bit angry. I couldn't quite grasp Ryan's last statement. I left the kitchen and walked into the living room, where Dennis and Tyler were dancing with some guys. I tapped Dennis on the shoulder and asked him if he knew about the setup.

Dennis glanced over at Tyler. "It was the only way we could get into the party tonight? We talked to Ryan, and he told me to bring you, so they can publicly shame you. Sorry, got to make the sacrifice to have fun tonight."

I wanted to punch Dennis in his face. So that he can have fun with guys? "Oh, so, you used me to get in. So you can go fuck guys tonight? Was that the plan?"

Dennis laughed and nodded. "Yeah? What about it?"

"Well fucking jokes on you, Dennis. They love me now, and they did not shame me. That Ryan guy was more publicly humiliated than I was."

"Oh wow, the weirdo had actual balls?" Dennis said.

"You were never my friend. Were you?"

Dennis laughed and shook his head. "No. Ever since you stole Kyle away from me. I fucking envied you. Which made me fucking hate you. You know he was texting me all day not to do this? He didn't even care to say anything good to me. Only you!"

Oh, so the texts were him warning me, I thought. Fuck.

Dennis shoved me, making me nearly fall over. Tyler came to me for aid. They looked at Dennis with furrowed brows. "What the fuck, Dennis. Is that why you wouldn't tell why? You're a fucking mean person. I never knew you would stoop this fucking low!"

"Oh shut up, Tyler!" Dennis screamed. "Because of me, we got into this senior party. So we can fuck senior boys! God. I thought you didn't like him anyway? Why are you defending him?"

I looked at Tyler, feeling hurt. "is this true, Tyler?"

Tyler sighed. "Okay, at first. I thought you were weird because of what people talked about you. But after hanging out with you today. I think you're cool and chill. I am sorry, Terrance."

The Recital of Terrance ReedWhere stories live. Discover now