Chapter 41: Krakow at Dawn

Start from the beginning

Natasha kept tightlipped she knew this detail through her contacts when she was trying to research Wanda’s age and origin but recognised now was the not time to divulge this fact.

“We can spend some time if you want after the conference looking into your heritage,” stated Natasha. “I can understand wanting to know where you have come from…”

Wanda awkwardly jumped up, “No Nat. I didn’t mean I need to know about… I don’t need… I have you…” She finished weakly, worried she had upset the spy with this conversation.

“Wanting to know about your past doesn’t negate your future Wanda. You will always be my kid. I was the same, one of the first things I did once I was free from the KGB was try to find my birth parents,” said Natasha in reassurance.

Wanda looked at her thoughtfully, “did you have family in the Red-room?”

Natasha paled slightly at that, “you could almost say that, but my history is complicated. Finish up your bread, and then we can head out into the town.”

Wanda sighed but recognised this was one topic that Natasha did not want to discuss right now.


Wanda wasn’t sure there was anything better than wandering down the square eating local street food. Zapiekanka and Pierogi they shouldn’t really go together but Wanda didn’t care. Natasha laughed at the teenager, “you could try and get some of the cheese in your mouth.”

Wanda shook her head, “it’s so big, and it’s ok I will run it off tomorrow during training.”

Natasha smiled and bumped the teenager’s shoulder, “Oh don’t you worry about that sweetheart.”

Wanda frowned at the older woman before descending into giggles. She looked thoughtfully at the woman, “What’s your favourite place in the entire world?”

If Natasha was surprised by the random question she concealed it well, “the farm.”

Wanda scoffed, “you have travelled all over the world, and a farm in America is your pick.”

Natasha wrapped her arm around Wanda’s shoulder, “Sometimes it’s not about the place, it’s about the people. It was the first place that ever felt like home.”

Natasha hesitated as her mind wandered, and Wanda picked up on the pause.

“Did you ever have another family? Other than the Barton’s. Do you remember your parents?”

Natasha sighed and shook her head, “I don’t know who my father is. I was abandoned at the Red Room as a child.”

“You have mentioned the Red Room a few times, what exactly was it?”

“It was a KGB training facility for the Black Widow Programme. It was designed to create elite Assassins. It was a harsh, unforgiving and cruel, and it created me.”
Wanda grabbed Natasha’s hand that was swinging limply by her side. “You are none of those things. You are my loving, caring, stubborn Mama.”

Natasha snorted with laughter at the stubborn, “you would say that.”

“Why did you join Shield?”

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