"Is she here?" Delaney asks, walking up to her brother. "No, but they were." Wilders walks to the chair Tattoo sat in and takes a deep breath.

"Who were?"

"The men who killed Sarah Beth were here and this time I am going to kill them!" He growls, stalking towards the kitchen.

He finds the crumpled milk carton on the floor and picks it up. He goes to set it on the table and spots the knife.

He pulls it out of the table and the business card comes up with it.

"What's that?"

"Storm stabbed me with this knife," a smile crosses Wilder's face as he remembers their first meeting, "and this is the business card of the man who measured Storm for her replacement leg." Now a scowl is on his face.

"Why would she stab the card?"

Wilder's brows furrow as he tries to think of what his mate is trying to tell him. Delaney takes the card from her deep-in-thought brother and starts typing the number into her phone.

"Paul Lang speaking, how may I help you?"

"I am calling to ask for your help in finding out what happened to Storm LeDoux."

"What do you mean what happened to Storm LeDoux?"

"Storm said you're good with a rifle. Now you don't like me and I don't like you, but I'm going to war and the enemies have her. I need your help to get her back." Wilder chimes in.

"You should've started with war! Who are we fighting? The British? The Nazis? The Japanese? The Vietcong? Ah, doesn't matter. I'll be there in a minute."

The phone call ends and the siblings give each other confused looks. Why would he think they were fighting the British or the Nazis? And why would he be here in a minute?

All of a sudden the door swings open and Paul comes in panting and carrying Storm's replacement leg.

"G-give me a minute to catch my breath." Paul pants while taking a bottle of red liquid out of his pocket and starting to chug. A bit of the liquid escapes his lips and dribbles down his chin.

 A bit of the liquid escapes his lips and dribbles down his chin

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"It seems I spilled." He chuckles, wiping the blood off of his chin and onto his muscular forearm.

"Yes, I'm a vampire. That doesn't matter though, what war are we fighting in? Do I get to drink the blood of our enemies?" He's practically jumping up and down in excitement, abandoning Storm's new leg by the door.

"The Bloody Fang pack is going to war with the Rogue Pack. And you can drink all of their blood especially the one's who took Storm." Paul seems to perk up at that.

"Sounds like a treat! Now can you tell me what's going on here with Storm being kidnapped?"

The Story We Know Well Later

"And she left her knife in the table?"

"Yes, you can even see where she stabbed it in." Delaney runs her fingers over the indent to point it out to the vampire.

"A marine never gives up their weapon. A knife is the last line of defense. She's trying to tell us something, I just don't know what." Paul puts his hand under his chin and assumes the thinking position.

"Can I see her bedroom? I think she left another clue there." Wilder doesn't like Paul's idea and wants to growl at him but stops himself. This could be the only way to get Storm back.

The trio goes into Storm's bedroom and finds her clothes strewn about on her bed. The clothes seem to be spelling something but what?

The two werewolves don't pick up on the potential word but the lone vampire sure does. He takes a step closer and stares at it, trying to decipher what it says.

"Nuts. Nuts!" Paul exclaims as the scene of Bastogne plays out in his mind.

Meanwhile, Storm is in a surprisingly well lit cave with a pack of ravenous rogues. The rogues are all built like the Himalaya Mountains with that signature tattoo that they just love to flex.

Some of them are wary of a female among their ranks while others embrace it. Though most of the ones embracing it want a little sexual pleasure, which she refuses to give them.

"You're Wilder's mate? I didn't expect you to be in such a," he looks at her missing leg, "disfigured state."

"That doesn't matter, it don't hurt so it ain't a problem." Storm replies, eyeing up the rogue leader.

"I'll have you know that Wilder was absolutely crushed when I told him you betrayed him and his pack." Glee shines brightly in Lop's crusty eyes.

"Oh good. I want to break his spirit into little pieces just like how we will tear his pack members apart, painfully." A shimmer of hate glows in Storm's eyes.

"I knew you'd make a good ally." Lop pats her on the shoulder before going deeper into the cave.

After that the rogues mill about the cave with nothing to do. Finally one of the skinnier ones approaches Storm in hopes of getting something interesting out of her.

"What pack are you from?" He asks, taking a breath to try to catch a pack's scent.

"I'm not a werewolf but I guess you could say I'm from the Devil Dogs pack." The name of her pack sends shivers down the skinny werewolf's spine.

"That sounds terrifying!"

"You have to kill a member of your own family to become one of them."

"Which one did you kill?"

Storm doesn't reply and instead gives the wolf a psychotic grin. He flees to his beefy friends who he hopes will protect him from the psychotic female.

"She killed her whole family to join the Devil Dogs pack." The wolf trembles in fear as he tells his friends this. The friends laugh and roll their eyes, a little female like that couldn't kill her whole family.

"I took an axe and gave my mother forty whacks. When I was done I gave my father forty-one." No regret shows on her face and the rogues look at her in fear.

It's becoming increasingly clear, never mess with a Devil Dog.

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