Tara walks to the back door, looking out the window, before closing the blinds. Tara looks around, then back at her phone. 'WTF? You okay' Amber texted Tara and went to reply, but the landline rang, making her jump. She turns around, breathing heavily. Her phone went off. You should answer it, the text said, causing Tara to look at the text confused. She looks up towards the landline and asks, How did you know my landline was ringing?' Tara texted that she got no response. Amber?" she sent

The three bumbles popped up: 'This isn't Amber', the text said, making Tara more scared. 'ANSWER THE PHONE BITCH'. Tara went to her contact and called 911. 'ANSWER THE PJONE OR AMBER DIE, the text said, making Tara rush to the landline and answering it, "This is fucking funny, Amber." Tara said, "I told you this is Amber." 'Ghostface said. Tara's phone chimed, and seeing it was a video link, she clicked it to see Amber sitting down and fixing her hair in the mirror. "Amber's looking particularly fetching tonight. She really shouldn't leave her phone lying around for anyone to clone. " 'Ghostface said "What do you want?" tara asked. "I told you, I want to play a game. Stab movie trivia, three rounds. You call the cops, she dies You get a question wrong, she dies. Her parents aren't home. I can be in that room in 15 seconds. You want a warm up question?" Ghostface asked. "I told you I don't know these movies! Ask me about something I do know. Ask me about It Follows. Ask me about Hereditary. Ask me about The Witch." Tara cried out

"In the first Stab movie, what Woodsboro native was introduced as the franchise's main character?" 'Ghostface asked, ignoring Tara. Tara thought about it for a second before remembering that it was Nico's cousin. "It's Sidney Prescott! It's Sidney Prescott, and she lived on Elm." Tara shouted. "Correct. You see, you're gonna do great at this," Charlie said happily. "Okay, question one..." 'Ghostface started, but Tara cut him off. "No, I got that one right. It should count." Tara said she breathed heavily with a frown. "Anyone could have gotten that one right. Sidney's in every movie but the last one." Ghostface said it in an obvious tone. "Question one: Who wrote the original book that the Stab movies are based on?" Ghostface asked. Tara thought about it. "Um, um, The -The chick from TV!" Tara stuttering. "The chick from TV" is not going to cut it, Tara." Ghostface said Tara's eyes watered, then widened when she remembered "Gale Weathers! It is Gale Weathers, you motherfucker!" Tara shouted, pacing back and forth, feeling proud that she got the answer.

"Correct. Amber might live to see the sunrise. Question two: Who played the dumb bitch at the beginning of Stab 1 who answers the phone and gets carved up by the killer?" Ghostface said it angrily. "Fuck you!" Tara said hiss out angrily. "Is that the answer you're going with?" Ghostface asked, making Tara sob. "A non-answer counts as a wrong answer, Tara." Ghostface said as Tara started looking up the stab cast. "Time's running out. Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock..." Ghostface said, taunting Tara as she scrolled down and finally found the girl's name. "Heather Graham!" Tara yelled with a sigh at the end. "Correct! You pulled that one out." Ghostface said, making Tara let out a sob of relief. "Now for the final question: Who was the killer in Stab 1?" Ghostface asked. Tara cried until she remembered who one was. "I know this one, you fuck. It's Billy Loomis! He was Sidney's boyfriend, and he was played by Luke Wilson, and I got you, asshole! I got it!" Tara exclaimed happily, believing she had given the correct answer. I got it right!" Tara laughed dryly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Tara, but that's just not correct." Ghostface said, making Tara's smile vanish at those words. "What?" Tara asked, confused, and then looked at her phone. "No, no, it is. It is. That is right." Tara said "The correct answer is Billy Loomis and Stu Macher. There are two killers in the original Stab. I'm afraid someone's got to die now." Ghostface said

Tara looked at the video. "No, no, no. Amber, I'm coming." Tara said, putting the landline down, and then grabbed a knife, rushing towards the front door.

Fuck, fuck, fuck." Tara said as she opened the door, seeing ghostface standing there, causing her to scream. Ghostface slashes Tara's side, making Tara punch Ghostface in the face. Tara slams the door repeatedly as Ghostface tries to reach in and stab her. Tara rams the door into Ghostface's arm, hardly making Ghostface remove his arm. Tara slams the door when Ghostface removes their arm and locks the door, then she backs away from the door, crying and holding her wound. She looks down at it, examines it, and then takes out her phone.

"Systems armed." the automatic voice said with a message at the bottom, 'System Status: Emergency! Police Called.

Ghostface banged on the door, making Tara jump and whimper. Tara looked at the ground and picked up the knife. "The police are on their way, asshole!" Tara shouted, The banging continues as Tara backs up towards the kitchen

The banging stops. 'All systems disarmed.' The automatic voice made Tara look at her phone. Doors unlocked, she said, pressing the button Systems armed. All systems disarmed. "Oh, my God. No," Tara cried out

Systems armed. All systems disarmed. Systems armed. All systems disarmed. Systems armed. The automated voice said, Tara cried as she was afraid for her life as she kept trying to lock the door.

The phone rang, making her scream and jump, turning towards the ringing. She walks towards the landline on the counter as she pockets her phone. Tara hesitated, picked up the phone with her bloody hand, and answered it. "Hello?" she said, scared. "Bonus question, Tara." Ghostface said, "Please stop." Tara begged

"Do you think I made it inside your house before you could rearm?" Ghostface asked, but before she could say anything, Ghostface grabbed her from behind, stabbing her in the stomach. Ghostface shoved her to the counter. Tara turned and hit Ghostface in the face, making Ghostface grunt. Ghostface angrily grabbed Tara by her hair and threw her onto the floor. Ghostface grabs Tara's leg, causing Tara to kick Ghostface in the torso. Not liking that, Ghostface slams his foot down, breaking Tara's leg. Tara screams in pain as Ghostface leans down and flips her on her back.

"Too bad your boyfriend isn't here to protect you," Ghostface said as he went to slam the knife into Tara, but Tara blocked it, making it go into her hand. Tara looks at her hand and screams. Ghostface forces the knife out as Tara kicks Ghostface off of her, making Ghostface fall and hit his head on the counter. Tara sobs as she tries to crawl away, but Ghostface looks at her and slowly gets up and walks towards Tara. "Help!" Tara yelled as she heard the police siren. Tara tries to reach for the door, but Ghostface drags her away and starts stabbing her twice in the back two times before turning her around. "No! No, no, no!" Tara yelled as Ghostface went to bring the knife down. Tara's last thought was Nico before everything went black.


Nico's inability to say I love you to Tara because no one ever said it to him or showed him beside her breaks my heart. Nico is definitely going to blame himself for not protecting Tara.

this is the first chapter of my Tara carpenter book I hope you enjoy it.

have a good day, evening and night.

have a good day, evening and night

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Yes To Heaven- Tara CarpenterWhere stories live. Discover now