Chapter 2: The village

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As they walk back into the village the people start to chant a song as children are running around dancing and laughing.

"Mano, make way, make way! Mano, it's time you knew, the village of Motunui is all you need~ "

As Chief Tui is singing and dancing Mano starts to wonder off back to the ocean but his mom goes after him. They are back to dancing and singing, " The dancers are practicing, they dance to an ancient song "

Mano and Y/N try to sneak off to the ocean but are stopped when three older men put flower necklaces on them. "Who needs a new song? This old one's all we need!"

The scene changes to when Mano and Y/N are drawing a boat while the other kids there are drawing other things on the island and Chief Tui, F/N, and Sina all exchange a worried look, " This tradition is our mission, and Mano, there's so much to do." "Make way!" It shows a bird that will be later known as Hei Hei, with a coconut on his head and Y/N picks it up so he can see, but then he still trips over a rock. "Don't trip on the taro root, that's all you need!"

It then shows them all weaving baskets, "We share everything we make!" "We make!" " We joke and we weave our baskets" "Aha!" The scene changes yet again to where Mano and Y/N are running after the ocean and their dads are chasing them, "The fishermen come back from the sea!" "We wanna see!" They both say as they get picked up,"Don't walk away. Mano, stay on the ground now!" A now 8 year old Mano gets set down and Infront of him he sees a headpiece that his mom and dad made for him to wear at a ceremony."Our people will need a chief and there you are!"

It then fast forwards to Y/N and Mano trying to row on a boat with Pua until they get picked up and dragged away by their parents."There comes a day, when you're gonna look around, and realize happiness is where you are" They both are mad and have their arms crossed while Pua looks at them with a confused look while tilting his head.

They are now sitting on a rock wall watching everyone pick coconuts, "Consider the coconut!" "The what?!" "Consider its tree! We use each part of the coconut, that's all we need!" Sina then starts to break some coconuts apart, "We make our nets from the fibers! The water's sweet inside, we use the leaves to build fires! We cook up the meat inside!"

Mano tries to go to the ocean without being noticed but his parents drag him away, "Consider the coconuts, the trunks and the leaves! The island gives us what we need!" he sees that Y/N has already got scolded by her parents for trying to go to the ocean again.

"And no one leaves!"

The scene is now in the village with Mano and his parents getting ready to walk down an aisle and Mano has that headpiece from earlier on. "That's right we stay! We're safe and we're well provided, and when we look to the future, there you are!" As they walk out the village is singing with them.

"You'll be okay~"

Mano looks to his right and he sees Y/N and his grandma dancing by the ocean, and he takes off to be with them.

"In time you'll learn just as I did." "You must find happiness right where you are!" They both look to see that Mano isn't there and they know where he is, and who he's with.

As Mano runs he stops by a tree to look at them before he runs right next to them. His grandma, Tala, sees him and starts to sing to him and Y/N as he tries to copy the dances they do, " I like to dance with the water, the undertow and the waves. The water is mischievous, ha!" She splashes water on them both " I like how it misbehaves!" Both Mano and Y/N look at each other and smile. As Y/N looks away Mano blushes. "The village may think I'm crazy, or say that I drift too far. But once you know what you like, well, there you are~"

Fast forward 7 years to where both of them are 15 and now have the dance perfected. Mano has now grown into his features very well, he has a lot of muscle and his feelings for you have only grown. I mean, who can blame him, you have also grown into your features and you are now a beautiful young lady with the most beautiful E/C eyes, and H/L H/C hair. "You are your father's son. Stubbornness and pride. Mind what he says but remember, you may hear a voice inside." They are now walking and Tala lifts up some leaves to show some boats."And if the voice starts to whisper, to follow the farthest star. Mano, that voice inside is who you are~"

Mano and Y/N start to head towards the boats when Chief Tui steps Infront of them


Mano laughs nervously before responding, "Dad! I-uh- I was only looking at the boats! I wasn't actually gonna go on them!"

Chief Tui looks at his mom then sighs,

"Come on now, there is something I've been wanting to show you for a very long time now."

Y/N stays with Tala and she smirks at the young girl once Mano and his father had left. "What?" Tala just shrugs. "What!?" Y/N says confused. "Oh nothing, just that my grandson has taken a liking to you." As Y/N gets flustered she blushes a bright pink and says, "What! No! I-Uh-um...has he?-I mean um-" Tala cuts her off, "Shhhh" Y/N nods as she walks with Tala.

Over with Mano and his father, after they talked about the chiefs before them, Chief Tui then says "-Oh yeah, and I believe that Y/N will also be a great leader one day!"

As Mano gets flustered he asks, "Wh-what do you mean dad?...WAIT-are you saying what I think you're saying!?"


"But I don't even know if she likes me back-I mean-um-if she likes me..."

"In time you'll find out...and your children would be very beautiful!"


It cuts back to the village and both Y/N and Mano are now helping gather coconuts, "We make our nets from the fibers! We weave our nets from the fibers" "The water's sweet inside "And we'll taste the sweet inside. We use the leaves to build fires! We sing these songs in our choir! We cook up the meat inside" "beat inside"

"The village believes in us" "Ha! That's right!""The village believes" "Ha!" "The island gives us what we need! And no one leaves!"

Y/N and Mano are now doing a hula dance while Mano sings "So here I'll stay, my home, my people beside me, and when I think of tomorrow~" "There we are!"

The scene changes to Mano putting his headpiece on. As they step out into the aisle he sings with everyone else, "I'll lead the way! I'll have my people to guide me, we'll build our future together!" as he said that last part he looked at Y/N and blushed.

"Where we are!"

Him and his parents are walking down the aisle while Y/N and her parents are singing with everyone else while Y/N is dancing with some other girls. This catches Mano's eye and he blushes and smiles.

"'Cause every path leads you back to "

"Where we are!"

"You can find happiness right-"

"Where you are! Where you are!~"

A/N: That took me so long to write because I had to watch the movie and see what happens and I had to listen closely to put the right words lmao

But it was wroth it!

Thank you guys! 'Till next time!

The Heart~Male!Moana x F!readerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu