Before dinner no.13

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“Hn, hnn…” Y/n

Y/n could feel her body shaking, or rather, being shaken, and her consciousness returned from a very pleasant sleep.

“Wake up Y/n.” Lilith softly said waking up y/n.

“Hn, Lilith…?” Y/n said while rubbing her eye's.

The world around Y/n was blurry, as she had just woken up, but she could see what seemed like pure white hair, and its owner was calling out to her.

“Yes. It’s already night.” Lilith said looking at Y/n

“Hn… Eh… Ehh!?” Y/n.

Lilith’s words did not reach her at first, but when she understood them, she suddenly screamed and got up.

“Eh, h-how? It was lunch time…”
Y/n said to lilith.

Y/n remembered making lunch and eating it with Lilith… And receiving a massage.

She realized he had fallen asleep because of how good it felt.

“You have been asleep all this time.”
Lilith said looking at Y/n.

Y/n was dumbfounded. She could not believe she wasted the afternoon sleeping.

Usually, she would spend this time carrying out quests she accepted in the mercenary guild. This time however, Lilith completed the quest in the morning, so h afternoon was free, but she still did not think she would sleep all the way until nighttime.

“Sorry for falling asleep when you’re here with me.” Y/n apologizing to lilith.

“It is no problem. By the way, Harumi was here earlier.” Lilith replied to Y/n.

“Eh, Harumi?” Y/n said.

The receptionist dropped by from time to time, but it was usually after work, during the evening.

“Yes, it seems she was concerned because we did not return to the guild, even though the quest was completed.” Lilith Informed y/n.

“Ah, I see. We should’ve said something…” Y/n said to Lilith.

“Yes, but she will be back, so you can apologize then.” Lilith replied to Y/n.

“Yes, wait, she’s coming back?”
Y/n said a bit surprised.

“Apparently she is coming here during dinner time. You should make enough for three, Y/n.” Lilith said.

“Got it!” Y/n replied to Lilith.

Y/n got up from the sofa, and headed towards the kitchen.

“Is there something I can do to help?”
Lilith asking Y/n.

“Ah, then I want you to tear vegetables and stuff by hand.”
Y/n said at lilith.

“An easy request.” Lilith said.

They started working in the kitchen.

“What did you and Harumi talk about?” Y/n ask out of curiosity.

“Well, all sorts of things…”
Lilith said having a quick glance at

“Eh… Like what?” Y/n's curiosity is taking her abit.

“We have no common subject to talk about besides you, Y/n.”
Lilith bluntly and honestly replied to

“Eh, me?” Y/n said being surprised.

Lilith and Harumi had just met that day, so the conversation would inevitably end up being about Y/n.

Having that said, Lilith and Y/n also got married that day, right after they met. Y/n summoned a devil, fell in love at first sight, and asked her to marry her.

“I asked what she and other receptionists think of you.”
Lilith said.

“Eh, that’s kind of scary… They don’t dislike me or anything right?”
Y/n ask lilith.

“Of course not, they all have a very favorable impression of you.”
Lilith assured Y/n.

“I see, that’s great.” Y/n said.

Out of the corner of her eye, Lilith saw Y/n smile with relief.

Even though Y/n seemed relived, lilith was not. Many of them went past having a favorable impression, and actually fancied her.

Judging by what Harumi said, it seemed all of them would like to have that sort of relationship with Y/n, and some even actively flirted, although Y/n never noticed it.

Harumi herself had done something similar, although she was never as assertive as others.

“Surely you’re the only person whose home she visits.” Lilith said.

Lilith was a little embarrassed as she spoke, but she remembered it all came down to one thing.

[I’m not giving you to anyone… Y/n is mine.] Lilith thought as not wanting to anyone stealing her wife.

“What’s wrong?” Y/n said looking at Lilith.

“No, nothing.” Lilith replied.

For a second, lilith’s eyes turned to those of a predator, but she held it back.

Afterwards, they continued preparing dinner, and before it was done, there was a knock on the door.

“Y/n, Lilith, it’s Harumi.” a femalw voice said.

“Come in!” Y/n replied.

“Y/n, you’re awake.” Harumi said.

“Yes. I’m sorry I didn’t go back to report that the quest was completed.”
Y/n quickly apologize at harumi.

“It’s alright. I heard that the Chimera had been defeated, so I knew you were alright.” Harumi forgives Y/n.

“Hmph, like I would lose to such a weakling.” Lilith said with a pout.

“Hahaha… You’re really incredible, if you can call the Chimera a weakling.”
Harumi said looking at lilith.

Harumi’s dry laugh echoed.

She did not see the fight, or rather, the hunt, or even the corpse, so she did not know about Lilith’s overwhelming power.

Even Y/n, who did watch, did not yet know just how strong she was.

In the current day, the only one that had tasted a fraction of that power was the chimera.

“Come have dinner with us then. We just finished preparing it.” Y/n said.

“I see, thank you.” Harumi replied.

“Then can you set up the table? I am going to the bathroom.” Lilith said

“Alright.” The two replied.

While the two carried the plates and put food on the table, Lilith left the living room.

She knew where the bathroom was, but that was not where she was headed.

[I turned a blind eye this morning, but now it seems I really need to take out the trash.] Lilith thought.

Only the Chimera knew how overwhelming Lilith’s power was, but within the next few minutes, that number would increase.

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