Adoption day sucks - Edited Ver.

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So Viper and Jade told me that every week on Friday is adoption day at the daycare. Where Caregivers come over to the daycare and adopt the non-adopted Littles. However the Littles have to like the Caregiver(s) that want to adopt them so there is a little trial that goes on before they can be adopted. So the daycare can make sure that one, the Littles will like their new home and two, both Little and Caregiver are on good terms with each other.

I've been at this daycare for over three months now, and have become closer with Viper, Jade, and Noah but, I am the closest with Elijah. I like him. A lot, Noah too.

Out of my three plus months of being at this damn daycare I have been in over 62 of these trials and every goddamn time I go on one I get sent right the hell back here. Why? You may ask, well it's simple, my Tourette's, ADHD, OCD, ADD, not having slipped into Little space at all and being Trans. So yeah.

I was hanging out with Viper, Jade, and Elijah while Brooklynn played with Ivy, Noah, and Harley over in the corner.

I was wearing a light yellow onesie, light blue mix-match sweatshirt. Gray sports knee highs, a baby blue and white rose headband, and had Goldie and a bunny from Elijah and Noah's room that I claimed and named Mala. Elijah was wearing, A yellow shirt, white ripped overalls, baby blue socks that go just above the knee. He also had a sun paci clipped onto his shirt so he wouldn't lose it.

I was on the floor laying my head on Elijah's chest as they were playing with my hair. I like it when they play with my hair. I heard Viper huff and looked over at him.

"What's wrong Love?" Brooklynn asked Viper. Because it was after hours at the Daycare they all stayed late to hang out with me and Elijah and Noah didn't get picked up until later every night. I felt bad that they had to stay.

"I just don't get it!" Viper yelled, making me flinch and Elijah held on to me tighter while whispering sweet nothings in my ear to calm me down. It sort of worked. I held on tighter to his arm afraid he was going to disappear.

"'on't 'et wot? Mummy?" (Translation: Don't get what? Mummy?.) Harley asked her Caregiver. She has a slight British accent from living there for a few years. I have picked up the accent from my mama, so I have a slight one every once and a while.

"I just don't get it. Dominic has been here for three months now and hasn't once slipped nor has been adopted!" Viper yelled. I flinched more, sat up and backed away from Elijah into a corner. I can't, no.

"Duh-duh-domin-nic?" They asked me as I just stared at the ground. Just then the daycare door opened. Everyone's head but mine turned towards it.

"Sorry we're late?" The people yelled but I turned them out.

'I'm not wanted.'

(Hope you've had a decent day. Goodbye my Demons, Devils, and Other Creatures.)

I may be broken but don't leave me yet!  Edited Version.Where stories live. Discover now