Chapter fifteen.

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2momths have passed and it was finally summer vacation. They had need out of school for a week. today Olivia had a doctors appointment because she wasn't feeling well. She talked to Bernie tears on her face telling her she was late this month. Bernie just smiled and told her she would take her.

"I don't know how this happened I'm on the pill." Olivia cried the whole way there and was now holding an ultrasound picture with a small dot showing her baby.

"It'll be okay sweetheart." Bernie said rubbing her back.

"What if Elliot doesn't want it what if he leaves me.. us." she said touching her stomach. "I need him Bernie."

"Elliot will love you and this baby. it'll be difficult but you have me and Joe to help. Elliot will stand by you. Don't worry"

"I hope your right." Olivia said wiping her face.

when they got back to the house Olivia went straight to the backyard. she sat on the porch swing holding the envelope with her Ultrasounds. Bernie went up to Elliot's room.

"She's on the back porch." Bernie said before he could ask questions. she had a smile on her face. he went downstairs to the porch and saw her staring into space crying.

"Liv baby what's wrong." he asked.

"I love you." she said looking at him.

"I love you too baby what's the matter is everything okay are you hurt?"

"El... I'm pregnant."

"pregnant." she took how he said it the wrong way and looked the other direction. he new she did too. "Were having a baby?" he asked smiling turning her face to look at him.

"I'm almost 2months." she said handing him the envelope and he looked at his baby. he then placed a hand on her stomach kissing her.

"We're having a baby" he said again. she nodded wiping her cheeks.

"I love you... and you." he kissed her cheek then her stomach.

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