Decadent Mask

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Initially, regardless of our differences, it truly didn't matter to me.
You were truly everything to me-
especially when we realised there was so much more to play than outward personalities.
It's a shame that you were tied down to societal formalities.

I was naive and underestimated the power of pressures from peers, the expectations you held from being known, being out there - whilst unlike you, I easily survived alone.
It was evidently clear, that at one point this wouldn't last, and our time together would soon simply be a part of the past.

When did it all change?
At what point did it all start collapsing?
Was it quick, like a flame burning a page?
I'm trying to remember, but there's too much and it's all relapsing.

All I know is time is never on no one's side. Never always sublime, schedules always collide, but it's time to decide, if they no longer provide, then you gotta run, but don't hide.

Self doubt and loathing clawing away at your worth.
Worth being chipped away, and thoughts in complete disarray - wondering if love's supposed to feel this way and-
Then it dawns upon you,
That these thoughts aren't for nought, and its not gonna stop, till you reach for the top, by cutting off the faded bonds that became harmful knots.

When did it all change?
At what point did it all start collapsing?
Was it quick like a flame burning a page?
I'm trying to remember, but there's too much and it's all relapsing.

And overtime I've grown to appreciate how time truly is of the essence.
And that you gotta not get distracted by all the glitter and decadence.
Or else it truly will be hard to move on, to let go, to be free, as well as attain true penance.

So in the end...

Time is never on no one's side. Never always sublime, schedules always collide, but it's time to decide, if they no longer provide, then you gotta run, but don't hide.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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