Chapter 4: Iron Tears

Start from the beginning

"Of, course, Pino." I bent down to her height and smiled at her. 'I can't believe an android with a model like hers was made 50 years into the past'

Weisz looked confused, "So, it wasn't money?"

"You mean you stole from Sibir and you didn't even know what you took?" I squint my eyes, looking over at him. He didn't answer and just shared the same look of shock Rebecca, Shiki, and Happy had. "Idiot," I shook my head at him.

Suddenly, the electricity went out and the lights shut off in the bar. "Apologies. It is a side-effect of my EMP."

Shiki tried to comprehend, "That's electro...?"

"Magnetic pulse." Rebecca finished. "It causes electronic devices to shut down temporarily. Now I get it. That's why Shiki's Ether Gear was disabled." She froze in realization, "Wait, it disables...No! Happy!" She panicked, looking at his still figure.

The electricity crackled back on. "Please, do not worry yourselves. The effects of my power only lasts for a few seconds."

Happy beamed up and waved around, alarmed. "What just happened? I don't remember! Did I blackout?! Did I suddenly stop working?!"

"Thank goodness." Rebecca exhaled in relief.

Weisz's eyes almost popped out of his head, "The cat's a robot!"

"Pino, you have an amazing power. What do you say to the idea of becoming friends?"

"Shiki, you really need to stop with that." Rebecca tiredly said.

Pino looked down, "Become a friend? Searching definition of the term." She paused and closed her eyes in thought. The conditions do not appear to be completely satisfied. But I accept."

"Aw, can we be friends too, Pino?" I happily asked.

"Not you too, (Y/N)."

"I accept your request as well."

"Hooray!" Shiki and I cheered. "You can still side-friend." Shiki whispered to Weisz. "Who said anything about us being friends?!"

"Moving on," Weisz bent down beside me, "what's the deal with this thing, anyway? I was positive this case was filled with money."

"Well, I guess this makes more sense. Sibir seems to be into all that tech stuff." I pointed out.

"Hang on. You were planning on stealing money from those guys?" Rebecca asked from behind us.

"You got a problem with that?"

Weisz picked up Pino by her head. "Hey, what are you doing?" I asked him. "I wonder. Is this thing worth a whole lot on the market or something?"

"Pino's not a thing. Put her down." I ordered him. He gently placed her back down and she spoke, "I am a personal belonging that was especially designed and built by my master. Therefore, I do not possess an inherent market price. I was taken out of sleep mode because I had detected the sound of my master's voice."

"Master? You talking about that punk Sibir?" Weisz frowned.

"Cross-referencing." She paused and her eyes staticed. I heard a beeping and whirring noise come from her and then, her body started to shake. "Retrieving file. Restoring damaged memory. Update: Sibir is new master. Adhering to master's wishes, required. Master Sibir's order, absolute." Her voice was laced with fear

"What's happening? Is she malfunctioning or something?" I look at her with worried eyes.

Pino held her head and cried, "Master Sibir is too terrifying to defy. Master Sibir's orders are absolute. Radioing itinerary." Before anyone could do anything, she took off.

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