demolitions expert

Start from the beginning


in the end we decided that I would add turbo boost to minhos car and in return they would add in their trademark spike at the front of my car- that way I would be able to rip through ones just like they did. it was a generous deal on my behalf but as an act of good faith I did it. the plan was simple- we crush WCKDs car at the start and that way we could fight each other- if WCKD's car continued down the track even beaten up, then one of us would leak our gas tanks, effectively ruining the track behind us- it all came down to whoever was furthest behind. that was the rules.

the day of the big race approached far too quickly for my liking- a deep feeling of wrongness had settled in my gut- I didn't trust any of this and knew that sooner or later shit would go down.

when I pulled up my car I noticed that it was surrounded by deep rivers and  boggy marshes, hazardous if you drove into it, there were no tyres or cones up to help, one wrong move and my car would be sent spiralling into inky water. this was going to be rough...

I pulled up beside Minho who had a strong look of determination blazing in his eyes, he gave me a curt nod which I returned. soon enough the crowd died down to hushed whispers and WCKDs car rolled silently in, it was souped up- anyone could see that... and that's why I had a bad feeling about this, I would recognise those boosters anywhere. they'd spied on me and now they had the boosts, I prayed they didn't know how to use them... at least not effectively. my head was running wild though i how they could have gotten them. this did not bode well.

the WCKD driver got out, a malicious grin on his face.

"ah, pleasure to see you all again, especially you Thomas- thanks for the upgrades"

he shot a wink at me and I felt an overwhelming urge to kill him, Minho switched his focus to me, staring daggers in my direction.

"mischief, a word."

he growled through clenched teeth, I sagged slightly and followed him behind the speaker tower, he slammed me against the metal harshly i bit back a yelp of pain and glared at him.

"what. the. shuck. you helped them? are you out of your shucking mind?? have you been a spy this entire shucking time?"

he interrogated, getting angrier by the minute. i held my hands up in surrender.

"no! for fucks sake no! nothing of the sort I promise you Minho I did nothing- I didn't tell him anything I have no idea how he got my blueprints for that I swear on everyting I hold dear that I had nothing to do with it. he wants this to happen! he wants us to want to kill eachother- I don't know who the mole is but I swear, I swear its not me"

I yelled back, praying for once this man would just take my word for it, he searched my eyes fervently for a sign of a lie before breathing in deep. he dropped me back to the ground.

"if I find out that anything you just said is a lie, ill cut off your balls, blend them in a blender and force feed them to you through a straw... got that?"
as humorous as it was, the chillingly calm tone Minho used made me question if it was an empty threat or not. I nodded vigouruously nonetheless and we returned to our cars. Minho gave me a warning look before getting in his. the WCKD driver sauntered up to me with a shit eating grin, i clenched my fists and tried not to lash out as he slung his arm around me.

"sorry to chuck you under the bus like that Thomas. hes never going to trust you y'know, especially not when you look so palled up with me."
he threw his head back in a laugh, patting my shoulder, I threw his hand off and got right in his face.

"I don't know how you got my blueprints but let me tell you something. I will never make a mistake like that again, if you ever set foot near me or anyone I care about i'll kill you. don't think im joking, my father wears a badge, he has a room full of guns and half the law on his side... he also knows how to perfectly hide a dead body. but please- I invite you to test if im bluffing"

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