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Location: Haneda Airport (Tokyo)

It was 12.42, and after almost 20 hours of travel, which had been long and exhausting, I had finally arrived in Japan. Well, I wasn't particularly happy to be here, since I had abandoned all my friends, and since I had to start my life over, but I couldn't help it, since I was still dependent on my father;

As soon as I stepped off the plane, an icy wind hit my legs and arms, making me tremble like a leaf: my father had told me that the climate here was not like the one in Miami, but I hadn't listened to him at all; a few seconds had already passed in Japan, and I already hated this place with all my hearth.

"Shit! i'm freezing out here..." I exclaimed angrily, as I began to rub my hands together to keep myself warm;

Without wasting time, I quickly went inside the terminal of the airport, and after taking my bags, I unwrapped the suitcase around which I had packed my clothes, i took the first sweatshirt I saw and putting it on right away and without waiting a minute longer;

"...Much better..." i said, right after i felt the warm of my sweatshirt.

I then headed towards the area dedicated to arrivals, hoping to find my father already waiting for me; but as i expected, that idiot hadn't arrived yet, irritating me a little: if there was one thing I hated, it was having to wait, especially my father, since he used to take things extremely calmly.


Tired of standing, I grabbed my things by force, going to sit in one of the many free seats at the airport; meanwhile, I took the opportunity to call my mother, who was almost certainly anxious to know my news;

"...Hello Mom..."

"Honey!" - Exclaimed my mother, who sounded very happy and relieved to hear from me - "How are you? Was the trip relaxing?"

"Ugh... I'm fine mum. The trip was a bit boring, but nothing so exaggerated." I said in a slightly irritated tone of voice;

However, my mother noticed that I wasn't happy, suspecting that something had already happened; "Don't tell me... your father is still late..." my mother said, taking a long sigh of disappointment.

"Well, what did you expect? For him, work is more important than picking up his son somewhere he's never been!" - Frustrated, I kicked my big suitcase, which fell on the impact making a little noise, and catching the attention of some people around me, who started to give me a bad look;

"Oi, what the fuck are you looking at?" I said angrily, looking at those fools who were staring at me like an idiot; I'm sure they didn't understand what I said, since I spoke in English, but they must have understood that I wasn't in the mood to be looked at like that, quickly looking away from me.

"Come on Darling... Take it easy." my mother said, trying to make me relax. - "You know he doesn't do it on purpose."

"Bullshit" - I said brusquely - "It can happen once or twice to be late, not always. It's also your fault if that old man behaves like this with us..."

For a couple of seconds, we were silent, saying nothing; I knew I had used a little too harsh words with my mother, but the whole situation was making me so nervous that I could no longer control my emotions at that moment: I didn't want to be here in Japan, least of all, I didn't I wanted to be here with my father.

"Listen mom... sorry if I answered you wrong... but the truth is that I want to go home."

"... We've already talked about it, Izak." - my mother said, with a slightly sad tone of voice - "Your father has total custody on you, and we both knew that the moment he decided to move, you would have gone with him whether you wanted to or not."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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