"Thank you, y/n," she murmured against my skin.

"No problem. Are we going home now?" I asked, my voice tinged with nervousness, longing for things to improve between us.

"Yeah, let's go," she nodded, releasing me from her grasp and starting the engine.

I let out a relieved sigh and leaned my head against the window, closing my eyes for a moment.

Am I making the right decision?

Rosé's POV

It had been two days since the incident with y/n and me. She seemed to be purposefully keeping her distance, avoiding me at all costs. It felt as though she despised me.

But I couldn't help the surge of emotions that overwhelmed me whenever I thought about Jennie's control over her. I knew it was wrong, but a part of me longed to be the one who held that power over her...

"Rosé," my sister Alice called out softly from behind me. "Are you okay? You've been unusually quiet today."

I hummed in response, not wanting to delve into the depths of my thoughts. It had been two days since Jennie and I clashed, and I couldn't help but harbor resentment towards her for pulling y/n away from me and forcing her to avoid me.

Jennie knew all too well about my attachment to y/n. Her decision to slap me in the face only showed that she believed I could be intimidated, but I wasn't.

"Oh, sweetheart," Alice said sympathetically, concern etched on her face. "I hope everything is alright between you and y/n."

I let out a sigh, my gaze fixed on the world outside the window in front of me. "I haven't seen her these past two days," I confessed.

Alice let out a frustrated sigh, her brows furrowing. "She's been ignoring our calls and texts. Maybe she just needs some space, some time alone. We'll have to wait until she feels like herself again."

I nodded wearily, my temples throbbing with exhaustion. "I hope so."


Weeks passed by in a monotonous haze. Y/n still didn't return. Jennie made it clear that she didn't want me to contact her anymore. But my heart ached with longing, yearning to reach out to her. So, I made a decision to visit her house on a Friday night, hoping for a chance to talk.

I arrived at her doorstep, knocking repeatedly and ringing the bell, hoping for a response. Instead, her mother opened the door, concern evident on her face. "Rosé, darling, Y/n isn't here. She's working the graveyard shift tonight."

Confusion washed over me. "But she said she'd be home every night?"

Her mother shook her head, her brows furrowing. "No, she isn't. Is everything alright?"

I bit my bottom lip, worry gnawing at my insides. "Oh, I must have forgotten. I was supposed to come tomorrow, not tonight."

"Alright, Rosé. Just make sure to call Y/n."

"I will," I replied reluctantly before turning away.

Something didn't feel right. There was a lingering scent of fishiness in the air. What was Y/n hiding from me?



It had been two long weeks since the incident with Jennie and Rosé. I decided to buy some groceries for Jennie and me, hoping to bring a little light into our lives. As I finished paying, a tap on my shoulder startled me.

The Sleeping Contract (Jennie X Female Reader X Rosé)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ