12. Knowing about Assassination Group

Start from the beginning

"Finally, a place to stay." Poney is happy.

"Remember about what Pais said to us. This is our hideout so make sure that all of you aren't being followed." Warns Taeko.

"Don't worry. I will." Says Poney.

"Good. For now, we should take a rest." Suggests Taeko.

"While resting, we will talk about the remains of Assassination Group, agree?" Asks Tatsumi.

"Good idea. That's why I want to tell you about Assassination Group. But, is it okay if I start with self introduction?" Asks Kurome and everyone nods at her. "Okay. My name is Kurome. I was a member of Assassination Group. After I learned the truth of the Empire, I decided to defect from the Empire and now I am Tatsumi's bodyguard and I will follow and protect him. My weapon is Katana and I don't have a shingu." Says Kurome.

"My name is Cornelia. I was a member of Assassination Group like Kurome and Poney. After knowing the truth of the Empire, I defected from the Empire and now I am here with you. My weapon is a shingu named Crushing King. It can increase my strength." Says Cornelia

"And my name is Poney. I was a member of Assassination Group. After knowing the Darkside of the Empire, I decided to defect from the Empire. I have Yocto Bottoms as my Shingu. It will increase the strength of my lower body but not the speed." Says Poney.

"I am Taeko. I was an assassin from Oarburgh Clan that hired by Revolutionary Army and now I am with all of you. I don't have shingu but I have katana." Says Taeko.

"My name is Tatsumi. I was from village to raise my money. After knowing the evil and corruption of the Empire, I decided to save your friends and taking down all evil in the Empire. I have my sword as a weapon." Says Tatsumi.

"Okay. Now we start with my big sister Akame. She is a skilled swordsmaster. Her shingu is Kiriichimonji. It is a katana which cause a permanent wound to the victim. My big sis is smart and cautious. I hope that she is aware of the corruption inside the Empire." Hopes Kurome.

"Second is Najasho. He is the strongest member of Assassination Group. He has a shingu named Water-Dragon Sword. It will make the user becomes stronger for three minutes. Like Akame, he is smart and cautious. To be honest, I don't know if he is aware or not but I hope that he is aware." Hopes Poney.

"This will going to be hard if we don't have a choice but fight him." Thinks Tatsumi.

"Third is Green. He is a whip master. He has a whip which is shingu named sidewinder. The user can freely control the sidewinder. I can say that Green is the smartest among the others. Maybe he is aware about the corruption of the Empire. I don't know to be honest." Believes Cornelia.

"Fourth is Guy. You can say that he is physically strong. He has a shingu named Rare Suit. It has an ability to manipulate soil. I don't know if he is aware or not." Says Poney. 

"Fifth is Gin. She is strong as well as Guy. She doesn't have shingu. Her weapon is large knife. Like Guy, I don't know if she is aware or not." Says Cornelia.

"Sixth is Natala. He is an excellent spears master. His weapon is a shingu named Trishula. It is a spear which has a feature like extend its shaft, which allows for surprise attacks and long-range combat. I don't know if he is aware or not but I think that we can persuade him." Believes Kurome.

"And the last one is the hardest one. Tsukushi. She is a gunslinger with shingu named Prometheus. The weapon can cause the trajectory of its bullets to twist and turn and is capable of an array of different forms of firing." Says Cornelia. 

"And why she is the hardest one?" Asks Tatsumi.

"Even though that she is kind and innocent, her love for her father is far stronger than everything so she only believes what father said and can be wild if someone dares to hurt her father...she was just like me before I learned the truth about the Empire...About what happened before...I'm sorry..." Answers Cornelia and she looks ashamed to herself.

"No need to apologize. I understand." Tatsumi comforts Cornelia.

"Really? Thank you." Says Cornelia to Tatsumi.

"You're welcome." Replies Tatsumi. 

"Okay. After introducing the remains of Assassination Group, all we can do are simple and these are save them and show them the truth of the Empire." Says Tatsumi.

"Not simple if they want to fight us especially when we must Najasho and Tsukushi." Warns Taeko.

"Oh. You're right. But still, We will save them no matter what. They must know about the truth of the Empire and together we will take down all evil that lurking inside the Empire." Says Tatsumi.

"They are my friends and I will save them no matter what. I will help you Tatsumi. I promise to follow you and protect you no matter what." Promises Kurome to Tatsumi.

"Tatsumi. They are my friends to so I am here to help you." Promises Cornelia.

"Let's save our friends from Empire." Says Poney.

"Looks like all of you are about to find a problem. Looks like I need to watch over all of you. And for you Tatsumi, don't you die on us." Says Taeko to Tatsumi.

"Thank you everyone. But first, we need to take a rest. Tomorrow, we will waiting for Pais and Ritone and ready for our objective." Says Tatsumi and everyone nods at Tatsumi.

Meanwhile there is building merged with a mountain, located ten kilometers north of the Capital. It contains many rooms, including the one for meetings, living quarters and a kitchen, as well as a few outdoor facilities, such as training grounds and hot springs. It's surrounded by the woods and is located near a river.

Inside the meeting room, Pais and Ritone are with a woman with short, silver hair and purple eyes. She wears an eyepatch where her right eye used to be. She wears a black suit that shows her cleavage. She has a green and black mechanical right arm. She smokes the cigarette. Her name is Najenda.

Pais tells Najenda about Tatsumi and the others. Najenda is little bit shocked to hear what happened.

"This will be...interesting." Admits Najenda.

"I know that it sounds crazy but...Kurome, Poney, and Cornelia officially defected from Empire and now they follow Tatsumi and save their friends from the Empire." Explains Pais.

"Even Taeko from Oarburgh Clan?" Asks Najenda.

"Uuuhh...yes..." Pais gives a small and slow nods.

"Well, at least Kurome, Poney, and Cornelia won't become our target. Unfortunately, the Leader of Revolutionary Army and the Leader of Oarburgh Clan will continue targeting Assassination Group of the Empire." Says Najenda.

"Yes. Unfortunately. Do you have an idea for this?" Asks Pais.

"Unfortunately I can't. The leader is too stubborn. But..." Answers Najenda.

NOTE FROM THE WRITTER : Okay, I don't think that I make a harem but I promise that I will make a harem scene.

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