Chapter 2: Drama club

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I sit in my first class on the middle row against the wall, a female sheep student sat next to me as she gives me subtle side eyes every few minutes.

I'd never been to a school before, it was an entirely new environment to me and I didn't really know how to feel about it.

Don't get me wrong! I still liked it, it had a lot of different people in it and it seemed like a good place. But I had no friends.. and I didn't know where to go. I luckily found my way to my first class by a student in the hall, but the way they talked to me felt.. condescending?.. if you will. Not in a mean way but just, like I was
a baby in their eyes. And I just didn't-

"Hey. Are.. you alright? You seem pretty upset"

I hear as I turn and see the female sheep looking at me, her face a lot closer as she stares at me.

"Oh, yeah yeah I'm fine." I reply looking at her

"I'm Els. It's nice to meet you" she replies with a smile as I smile back

"I'm Y/N" I tell her as she moves a little away from me, realising that she may have been a bit close.

"Your new here right? Don't worry, you'll fit in just fine. Maybe join a club if your looking for more friends, that's what I did! I'm in the drama club if you want to come check it out after school today!" Els says to me with her usual smile as I give it a think.

The drama club? Maybe.. but I don't know if I'm fully sold on the whole acting thing, but I'll probably check it out just to see if it's my thing.

"Sure, what time does it start?" I ask turning to her as one of my ears drops onto my head

"At 3:30 this afternoon, I can walk with you there if you'd like! We could meet in the cafeteria if you don't know the way to the drama building? It is a pretty big school after all, especially for herbivores our size!"

A thing I've noticed.. is most small herbivores ... always treat me as an equal to them, and not as a lesser being like most of the larger herbivores and carnivores do. Which I very much preferred..

"O-okay, I'll see you in the cafeteria then" I answer as I look at her as she gives me a happy smile

"Hey! You two! No talking!" We hear the teacher say as we turn to them and apologise. Turning back to each other and letting out a quiet chuckle.

Legoshi POV

The day goes by, same routine as always.

Wake up.

Get ready.








Never different, always the same old thing. I wanted this, or atleast.. I told myself that...

I walk to club alone as people ignore me. I walk into the building as I politely greet people as I go to the men's locker room to change into my drama clothes.

After I change I walk back and climb up the ladder to the stage lights, alone. Where I usually am for rehearsal, but i like it. I've got my own space to think.

"Where's Els? She should be here.." I overhear Bill say as he looks around.

That is quite strange, Els is never late. Did something happen? Is she ill?..

"Ah! Sorry I'm late everyone! I had to show someone around" we all hear as we see Els stood by the door. Holding someone's hand.

A rabbit. He looked.. so far away. His ears stay perked up on his head as he looks around the room at everyone and the things around him.

"Oh! Well we didn't expect any new members so soon!-" mr Sanu says stepping closer to the two.

"I'm just looking around to get used to the school" I hear the rabbit say as he smiles at mr Sanu, one of his hands on his chest as people watch.

"This is Y/N everybody. He's a third year, but he's new to this school" Els tells everyone as the rabbit smiles at everyone, seeming to not notice me stood above him in the shadows.

Louis POV

I sit in my office, hearing all the ruckus coming from the club members as I groan. What stupid thing is going on now..

I stand up and head for the door as I step out sternly

"What's all the noi-"

It's.. him... I haven't seen him since we were kids, but. I'd recognise that face anywhere.

He hasn't grown much.. we used to be similar heights but.. I'm atleast a foot taller than him now...

"Louis?" Dom says making me snap out of it as I shake my head slightly.

I clear my throat as I compose myself

"Y/N, my office" I say blankly as I turn around and walk into my office, hearing Y/Ns footsteps as he walks in.

I close the door behind me as I turn around, but as soon as I do. I feel his arms wrap around my waist as his head presses against my chest

"I thought I'd never see you again.." I hear him say quietly as I look down at him with wide eyes.

I slowly move my hands down as I pat him gently on the head, his ears drooping down as I smile softly.

"I missed you to..."


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