"You've finally joined the dark side. Huh, sweetheart?" Castiel's voice sounds exhausted. Blood stains his teeth, and he spits it onto the floor as he struggles to sit up.

I smile a little. But I can't look at him. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Course not," Castiel mutters. Then he changes the subject. "You look beautiful in that dress, you know. Didn't you come here in white? That lace dress."

"You remember?"

"How could I forget?" Castiel smiles. "How was the party?"

I frown. I press myself against the bars that are separating us. "Not nearly as much fun without you. I spent the entire time looking for you. I went to your room. I searched the party. I thought you left. I was going to follow you. Just incase."

Castiel forces a weak smile, wipes his mouth and comes away with blood. "I was already leaving before that bash before it began. I almost made it, too. Guess I can thank your boyfriend for that one."

I failed to notice he was dressed rather nicely. Black pants, suspenders and a tie. The shirt was stained with red. Still, Castiel looks nice. "He's not my boyfriend." I narrow my eyes. "You clean up nice. I guess you wanted to look good when you reunited with her."

Castiel smirks. "Your jealousy is showing, Miss Caverly."

For a while, we both say in silence. The silence was what scared me. Castiel was growing tired. But I wouldn't let him sleep. If he slept, he might never wake up again, and he would leave me here alone to die.

"Xavier told me you took advantage knowing that secret." I mutter. I don't know how I found the courage. "He said you sent him to the fields of punishment every night."

"Even when Harley was here, I was jealous." Castiel admits. "I did take advantage of it. And what the hell can I say? Karma's a real bitch."

After a little longer, Castiel falls asleep even though I try to keep him awake. He's snoring. And he looks gentle in his sleep. Peaceful, even. I watch the rise and fall of his chest. But I can't sleep, and even though my eyes grow heavy, I don't want to sleep in this place.

When Castiel awoke, he looks around the dungeons like this has all just been a bad dream. "You're still here." He whispers.

"I'm not going anywhere."

Silence. "Why did you really come here? To the dungeons? And don't tell me it's just because you wouldn't kneel to Jasmine."

"Mostly." I say thoughtfully. "I didn't like the way Xavier has been treating me recently . . . I didn't agree with what Jasmine did to you and your parents." I stop. I bite my lip. "I wanted to know that you were safe, Castiel."

"And if I wasn't?" Castiel hesitates. "What will you do?"

I grin. "Rot in this cell until I die. I kneel to no one." A question seethed at the edges of my memory. "Will you do it, Castiel? Would you marry her to clear your name? Make it official. Have her wreck our worlds."

Castiel shakes his head. His eyes are bloodshot. "I can't."

"You could save us." I whispered.

Castiel smirks. "I'm not really the hero-type, you know."

Footsteps echo on the stairs. Three sets of footsteps. My heart aches, and I want to reach for Castiel. But I don't. I sit quietly in my cell, and wait to greet my end. I wait for them in the shadows. Castiel shakes, and his eyes pulse. The Prince of Darkness is scared.

"Enjoying your sleepover?" Jasmine emerges. Her appearance in that pink dress and overly done makeup makes me want to screech with laughter.

"Torturous." Castiel says sarcastically. "Do what you want with me. Let's get this over with. I'm not really in the mood for games."

Karina and Xavier have both come to join her. I shiver as I see their expressions, and I know in my heart that nothing good can come of it. Karina takes a step towards my cell. The smile on her face sickens me. "We aren't here for you, sweet Prince." She says it without looking at him. "We're here for your girlfriend."

"Xavier, you'll let her get away with this?" I demanded.

Xavier looks away as Jasmine produces the key to my cell. My heart skips a beat, and I think about an escape. But just as fast, the cell shuts with a harsh echo. "I do what has to be done. You made your choice, Ariel. I made mine."

Castiel moves near the bars that separate our cell. "Karina... What are you doing?" His voice was sharp and dangerous.

Karina simply smiles down at me, rubbing her hands excitedly together. "What should have been done a long time ago." And with that, she points a finger at me, and energy pulses from her. "We can't break you, Castiel. But maybe Ariel will help you along."

The greatest pain I've ever felt courses through my body. Writhing flames. Twitching and scratching and burning me alive. I'm going to die -

I didn't realize that I was screaming until their voices speak up over me. My sobs echo around the dungeon. When the energy stops, it feels like the pain is increasing. I gasp for air, tired and crying and weak. "Don't. Castiel, please. You don't want - ". And then without much of a warning, the pain returns, and I feel like I'm going to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. And when it stops a second time, my entire body feels like it's on fire. Screaming for someone to put it out. Begging. Hoping that my knight in shining tinfoil will come to my rescue. Castiel is still begging Jasmine, pleading with her. "don't save me." I gasp. "Let me go."

"Stop this. That's enough, Jasmine."

The pain grew worse, and soon I couldn't even scream. I lost my voice. My throat was on fire, the flames licking over every possible inch of my body. "Jasmine, stop. I'll do it." Castiel admits. "I'll marry you. Please, just... Don't hurt her."

"No." I whisper, my voice is hoarse and my forehead is sweaty. "No."

Jasmine smiles, and shivers crawl up my arms. "Wonderful," she admits. "I thought you might see my side of things... Xavier, unlock Castiel's cell. We'll have a grand dinner in honor of my fiancé. Hm?" There was a horrible glint in her eye, and it made me sick to my stomach.

Castiel threw a sideways glance at me, and got to shaking feet. He limped his way out of the cell, Xavier keeping hold of him by his shirt.

Karina half-heartedly leaves the cell. Looking very unsatisfied and annoyed. "Until next time." She winks.

Xavier kneels next to the bars. "Ariel, please." He begs. "If she puts you on trial, you'll be going to the fields of punishment. There's still some time. Grovel. Beg. Make it realistic: whatever. Please, Ariel. Jasmine will be the Queen... I can't save you this time."

I lock gazes with him. "Then I'll save myself."

His bottom lip trembles. "You can't."

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