your apartment smells old

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That signature weird airport smell filled my nose

"Im really gonna miss you"

"I know, its only for the weekend though" She laughed 

"Yeahhhh, but it's gonna be weird knowing you're halfway across the world"

"Yeah, thats true"

"Mm" I frowned and hugged her once more, her arms engulfing me 


"Yeah" I mumbled into her neck, still hugging her

"Is it okay if I tell my parents while I'm back home? About us?"

I hesitated, "Yeah sure"

"Thank you, its been a pain having to not tell my mum"

"Yeah" I laughed, pulling away from the hug, and re-planting my feet on the hard ground 

"Are you gonna tell your parents?"

The fluorescent lights filled my eyes when they asked that, I felt how hard the white shiny ground was and my senses heightened, where the noise of suitcases rolling filled my ears. I had never even told my parents I liked girls, though they probably noticed it. They'd never said anything. 

"Mmm, I probably should, huh?"

"If you want to" They put their hand on my forearm and squeezed, her cold hands touching my skin 

"I'll see, I'll let you listen in on the call when I do- might be a little interesting"

"Hm, okay" Bella smiled, "Promise you're gonna pick me up tomorrow?"

"I promise"

"Good. I'll see you soon, call me tonight if you can. You can meet my mum over FaceTime"

"Okay" I giggled.  "You better be off" I gulped down the words, I didn't want her to leave. Not in a selfish way, I just knew I would feel weird for the weekend that she wasn't going to be here in a 'hey can you come over' text distance. 

"Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow, darling"

I smiled at the name she called me, "Yeah," I beamed, "I'll see you tomorrow"

She hugged me one last time and kissed me on the forehead with her hands on my cheeks. I smiled at her goodbye and watch them walk away with just their backpack that had a change of clothes in it. I wish we could kiss in public, but not yet. They looked back and I waved, they made a kiss face at me and smiled as they wandered into the crowd. As soon as I couldn't see them, I felt sick. It just felt weird knowing they wouldn't be in arms reach. I walked back to my car and got it, I pulled out my phone and texted Bella,

"Have a safe flight baby, I'll call you tonight"

I started the car and the Olivia Rodrigo CD automatically started up again, I hated to admit it but I couldn't stop listening to the whole album. I drove back to my apartment, and when I got there I immediately crashed on my bed and pulled out my computer, starting a history assignment. I lasted writing about ancient Greek art for about 45 minutes and then gave up. I sighed and went to go text Bella, then remembered they were probably halfway across the country in the sky. I sighed and opened my art sketch book and tried to conjure up something in my mind. It was only 9am and I couldn't think of anything, my mind was blank. Lonely. I realised how lonely I was. And bored. Maybe I should hang out with Xavier- we'd gotten closer. And I was really bored. And it was an opening to a new friend 


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