The Oh, the Oh God, and the Oh MY god

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We rushed into the hotel from where the Uber dropped us off, Bella gripping their cap tightly. We got inside, now we were just damp and cold. We walked to the elevator as people gave us looks. Sure we were two 19 year olds sopping wet and in a nice hotel, but hey, no reason to stare. Bella scanned their hotel key card against the reader and pressed a level. I felt my stomach go a but funny as we went up and my ears popped. The elevator made a pristine 'ding!' as the doors opened and Bella and I walked out and down the hall towards a door. They again scanned the key card against the reader and the door made a snap sound, unlocking. they pushed the door open and as we walked in we were met with the smell of fresh bed sheets and soap that smelt like cucumbers. 

"You shower first, here" They said

"Are you sure?" 

"Yeah I'm sure, you're a guest after all" They teased. I smirked and went into the bathroom. I grinned to myself and opened the door back up and caught them as they were in the middle of taking off their sweater, they pulled it back down and looked at me with their little brown eyes 

"You sure you don't want to come in with me" I said very jokingly. They looked at me with wide eyes and their cheeks turned red before they returned to a soft smile

"No, go shower" They laughed. I smirked back as I closed the door behind me. The hot warm water felt so nice on my cold skin. I scrubbed myself clean and washed my hair with the little bottles of shampoo and conditioner. I folded up my damp clothes and wrapped a towel around myself, I opened the bathroom door to see Bella lying on the bed on their phone

"Where do I put my damp clothes?"

They looked up and went red, then looked away, "Uh um- just put it in that- the basket over there" They gestured with their head while tying their hair up as they held a hair tie in between their teeth. I walked over and placed the clothes in the basket.

"Oh- I'll get you some clothes" They rushed. They opened their drawer and handed me a big sweater and grey sweatpants, some socks and a pair of boxers

"Thank you, I'll be back out in a second. I slipped back into the bathroom and put the clothes on. I had never realised how comfortable boxers were. I tied up my hair into a tight pony tail and opened up the bathroom door while I striked a sarcastic pose 

"How do I look?"

"Like me" They laughed. They got up and got themselves pyjama pants, a grey sweater and boxers and went into the bathroom. I lay on their bed under the covers and realised how tired I was, I closed my eyes and put the hood of the sweater over my head. I was awaken from a half-asleep nap by the bathroom door opening and Bella putting their damp clothes in the basket. 

"Sorry, did I wake you up?"

"No, no I was just resting my eyes" I smiled as I sat up

"Do you wanna watch a movie? We dont have to be back at set until 6:30, and it's 3:30 now" 

"Yeah we can watch a movie, horror?"

"Of course, which one?"

"Have you ever seen Insidious? I've seen it so many times and it scares me even when I know there's a jump-scare"

"Yes! Lets watch it" 

They pulled up the movie on their computer and pressed play, we were both sitting against the headboard of the bed, I had the blanket up to my knees and I was playing with the hoodie strings. In all honesty I was trying not to fall asleep. I wanted to, I wanted to fall asleep resting my head on their shoulder and wake up to them smiling at me. I wanted to so bad. And I accidentally did. But it didn't end exactly like that. I fell asleep against the headboard and at some point my head rested onto Bellas shoulder, I hope it was graceful and not like my head whacking the end of their shoulder bone. I woke up with the credits to the movie playing and the room was dark, and the blanket was over my whole body instead of just my knees. I smiled with red cheeks when I realised where I was and who I was with. I slowly sat up to find Bella, also dead asleep against the head board. I checked the time and it was almost 6:30, I whispered her name and poked her shoulder to try wake her up 

"Bella" I whispered, "Bellaaa" 

"Mmmh" They groaned. I got butterflies in my stomach and my cheeks turned hot 

"Its almost 6:30, we gotta go" I whisper with a smile 

"Hm? Oh shit" They yawned and sat up. "Oh shit." They said louder as they checked what time it was. They pulled on their sneakers and thew me my shoes. I grabbed everything we needed as Bella called a 'cab'. We hopped in and got there just in time, both of us yawning countless times on the way there. It had stopped raining but there were still puddles everywhere. When we got to the set again, Jackie and everyone else was gone. It was just a few people and the stylists for the clothes. Bella brought me into the clothes trailer with her and I met a really nice lady called Cynthia. She handed Bella a few pairs of different clothes and they tried them on in the back of the trailer. They put on a shirt that had been stained with fake blood and dirt,

"Okay that looks good," Cynthia sighed, "Alright, go take a break and get something to eat, stretch your legs" She smiled. 

Bella hopped out of the trailer, the blood stained shirt still on. We walked around  the carpark and the hall, the sun was setting and we were on our way to the snack machine because Bella was hungry. As we walked, we laughed and flirted back and forth. This whole time I just knew that I liked them. I fell fast and hard. It was a problem up until now. I watched them as they walked into the sunset, skipping around cars without a care in the world, a big smile plastered on my face with butterflies swarming in my stomach. I needed them. I needed to tell them. I wanted to. I stopped walking and stood a few stands behind them. Still walking, they turned to look at me, confused

I took a deep breath in and exhaled. I was going to do it.

"I like you"

I did it. I told her. 

She stopped walking and stared back at me, small sprinkles of rain decorated her hair. Her expression was blank, and unreadable. I panicked.

As her face was brightened by a street light, flickered on, everything else seemed to freeze in time. The cars honking, and the birds cawing around us suddenly lay silent against the thick layer of feeling that surrounded us both. 

She walked towards me, it was only now that could see she had a smile on her face. Although everything appeared to move in slow motion, I can only remember the look on her face, and the clothes on her body stained with blood. 

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