Dr Bailey turned to the others. "So was I. Anybody else half in the bottle?" she asked with a quirked eyebrow.

They were all quick to shake their heads, responding with a synchronised "No."

Delilah came running back, a pair of pink rubber shoes in her hand. "Dr Bailey, I'm back with your shoes," she called out.

The woman accepted the shoes with a thankful grin. "You're with me, Delilah. Come on," she instructed.

The two doctors were led to trauma room one by an EMT, who gave them the run-down of their patients. "His BP's holding at ninety over palp. She's had two hypotensive episodes to the low seventies," she explained.

"You couldn't get a saw in there?" Dr Burke, who they met in the room, asked.

The EMT shook her head. "Not without moving them," she responded.

"Which would've been a very bad idea," Dr Bailey cut in.

Dr Burke looked to the side. "Did you bolus her with fluids?" he asked.

As the Attending and the Resident continued speaking with the EMT, Delilah and Meredith stood by the two patients. The interns carefully assessed their injuries. Well, one of them was.

Meredith was a little too drunk to function properly.

Delilah giggled as she watched Meredith examine the two patients conjoined by a pole with childlike wonder. The female patient peered at Meredith. "Is this the craziest thing you've ever seen?" she asked.

Meredith made eye contact with the woman. "Uh... Yeah," she responded.

"Yeah. Me too."

Uh oh.

Just then, Dr Burke walked into the room. "Hi, I'm Dr Burke," he introduced. Bonnie turned her head to look at him. "You shouldn't turn your head. You want to try to move as little as possible," the African-American male advised.

"Oh, ok..." Bonnie's voice trailed off. "So, are you going to pull this pole out of us anytime soon?" she asked.

"It's a touch uncomfortable," the male patient added.

Dr Burke gave them an apologetic look. "I'm sorry. We can't do that until we get a better look at what's going on internally. I assure you we will work as quickly as possible," he said.

"Well, in that case, does anyone have a breath mint?"

Uh, what?

"For me, not for you."

Delilah muffled her giggles with her left hand. This woman's hilarious, okay? Don't judge her. She's had a long day.

"O'Malley, take them to X-Ray," Dr Bailey instructs. "Be very careful with them."

With that, puppy boy took off with the gurney.

Dr Bailey walked off, Meredith, Delilah and Alex trailing behind her. The Resident sent Alex off to the pit, making a quip about his "new fear of scalpels."

Delilah gleefully laughed at his expense for that one.

Then, the African American sent Meredith away too. She gave the dirty blonde specific instructions to not come into contact with any patients until she had finished an entire Banana bag.

Dr Bailey began walking again, leaving Delilah without an assignment. The brunette smiled at Meredith before rushing off to follow her Resident.

"Ten years of marriage," she grumbled. "I didn't even get to finish my damn lobster."

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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