Chapter 28: Avoidance

Start from the beginning

"This ends today," I said in front of Marcus' house, "you hear me?"

The only response I got was silence.

"Well... I'm going in," I said in front of the gate, "You sure about this?"

Behind me was an uneasy Setsuna looking down holding her bag with both hands.

"Honestly... I don't know," Setsuna said with a heavy sigh, "but I want to see and talk to him and get some answers."

"That's the spirit," I said as she gives me a smile, "let's teach our classmate here not to ignore his friends."

Setsuna nods as we enter and knock on his door. There wasn't a response so I knocked again and I could hear some rustling and footsteps.

"I thought you told me to stay put today-" Marcus said opening the door.

"Hey," I said as he stared at us.

"...Hey," Marcus said as he let go of the doorknob.

"You gonna let us in?" I asked, rather forcefully.

"Sure... Come on in," he said.

Setsuna and I walk in and sit down on a couch. Marcus sat across from us as none of us knew what to say.

"Have you guys had dinner?" Marcus asks, "I was in the middle of making some."

"Why not?" I said.

Marcus left for the kitchen as we wait for him to finish. Setsuna was still in her uneasy state as she hasn't looked Marcus straight in the face and was only taking glimpses of him when his back was turned.

When the food was done, we sat down and ate in silence. Only the sounds of utensils could be heard as no one said a word.

It was then I had just about enough of all this silence and asked the real reason why I came today.

"I'm just going to ask straightforward," I said looking him in the eye, "what's up with you recently?"

"Nothing," he said continuing to eat, "I was sick these past few days."

"Bullshit," I said slamming the table startling everyone, "stop avoiding the question and answer me. I deserve an answer."

"I'm not avoiding anything!" Marcus said in an outburst, "I have my reasons!"

"Than tell us!" I said confronting him, "I thought we were friends man!"

"I..." Marcus looks away and sit down, "I can tell you about it right now.

I rest my hands on my hips and proceed to ruffle my hair in distress. I look over at Setsuna who hasn't said a word since arriving.

"Come on Setsuna," I said, "say something..."

"..." Setsuna stays quiet and just looks at her plate.

I bit my lip and flopped down on my chair, "Maybe coming here was a mistake..."

The silence I couldn't stand started once again as I was about to lose my mind. As I was about to speak again, Setsuna steps in an finally started to speak.

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