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They both looked really happy about something, so I sat up, but Senko pulled me to lean on her.

Senko-Shiro, what are you doing?

Sora-I trust you took care of her 'desires' before letting her in.

Shiro-Yes, Lady Sora! I even spent all day yesterday showing her videos and teaching her what to copy and where. So while she can take care of herself in private, I taught her this! *Ahem*... Neko!

Koenji did a little twirl while putting her arms up like a begging dog, swept one foot up, bent over, smiled, and...

Koenji-Good morning, meow-ster! Nya! ~


Koenji stopped doing her last pose to just lean over my bed in a way I can see more of her boobs, so I looked away a little while she smiled.

Koenji-Hi there, (Y/N) baby. Is there anything you need me to do for you? ~

Shiro-Cutsie and shy!

Keonji stood up straight and looked very shy while doing little turns left and right while she blushed.

Koenji-P-Please excuse master, b-b-but... I will like permission to clean and... U-Um never mind! I'll be a good girl and clean!

She blushed harder before she took the empty bowl to go clean it while Shiro clapped for her as she left. I was so confused about what was going on with Koenji right now, but Sora seemed to like it.

Sora-An amusing show... Perhaps she could earn a spot in the next phase. I will like to discuss this even more with you in a moment.

Shiro went to the kitchen to follow Koenji and I saw her doing all sorts of different stuff, and one was her acting like a baby while laying on the ground. Later, when Koenji was done cleaning, her, Shiro, and Sora went next door to talk about something. Senko shined a little fire in front of me while she leaned back.

((M/N)'s POV)

I couldn't move or speak while I was forced to let everyone lay and sit on me with my son. I could feel everything, even when Sora secretly pricked me with a needle over and over again while my son was on her lap. Senko did something that made my son flustered and he turned into me with a blush on his face. I saw Senko smugly smiling down at me while she rubbed his back.

Senko-You poor damaged baby. Being starved of any kind of love would make a kiss on the chin a little overwhelming. ~

She looked at me while she said that and when I looked at my son, he looked like he was secretly enjoying his massage, but he bit me when Senko moved to his legs. Considering how sensitive I was right... It felt like I just broke a bone.


(Senko's POV)

I think (Y/N) is doing something to his 'pillow' because I can clearly see an aura of pain and agony coming off of it. It serves her right for almost killing her baby threw neglect and just really teach her a lesson... I was a little rough with his sweet spot in hopes he would bite harder... and I was right.

Senko-I can tell you like this sweetie... Want some dessert? I had some made and hidden from Shiro. It'll be our little secret. ~

I got him up and took him to get his dessert and fed it to him at the table while I thought of other things I can do to pamper him. I wanna try something new, but there's not much else I can do for him that he won't find super overwhelming right now.

Senko's mind-I wonder how Lady Sora, Shiro, and Koenji are doing next door.

(Koenji's POV)

It's so fun to pretend, but really hard to stop unless someone tells me to, and I really feel like I get into character too much. Earlier, I was actually really shy and nervous about a little kid but then got really happy when I switched again at that time. Shiro showed me the other pretend characters we saw, and right now I was a really strong and brave superhero! I looked at Lady Sora with Pride in my eyes and willing to protect her with my life!

To Your Hearts Content (Yandere Senko x Child Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang