A Direct Approach

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(Senko's POV)

(Y/N) tried to stop us from setting up the games he got from family members back up as best as we could, so Shiro had to put him back under her spell to keep the darkness from growing. While he cuddled with her, I was on my 8th attempt to get his games on his T.V., and it finally worked. His room actually looked like you could have some childish fun and comfort in it now instead of a dignified holding cell for being in house arrest. We had to put him to sleep soon for when his parents get home. I don't want him to see me being strict with his parents and end up being afraid of me. I walked up to him and Shiro and gave him a few kisses on his head.

Senko-Hey sweetie. Shiro is gonna put you down for a nap here really soon, and when you get up, we can play whatever you like. ~

He looked at his room and looked a tad bit nervous before I turned him back into Shiro before he could stress again. I also want him to break this habit which might involve some punishments for him on my own. Nothing like yelling and frightening him, as his parents do to him constantly even in their presence alone, but a light scolding and guidance. He's nowhere near being out of control for anything else.

Senko-(Y/N), no more worrying about your room. If it happens again, you'll take your nap early. Just focus on cuddling with Shiro. ~

I gave him one more kiss and he didn't take another peek if it meant stressing him out.

Shiro-Ah yes. Feel the privilege of cuddling with The Great Shiro.

I looked at the time and thought about getting a sweet dessert ready for him after he takes his nap and I have a firm talking to with his parents. I got to work on making a nice pudding for him until I noticed it was almost time for his parents to get back, so I wrapped up what I was doing and went back to his room. I saw Shiro giving him kisses while she had her spell cast to lure (Y/N) into a deep sleep.

 I saw Shiro giving him kisses while she had her spell cast to lure (Y/N) into a deep sleep

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She did watch him a lot with me when I found him after my last failure, so I guess she would know the schedule his parents go by to get home

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She did watch him a lot with me when I found him after my last failure, so I guess she would know the schedule his parents go by to get home.

Senko-Hmmmm. ~... Keep this door locked. This won't take too long.

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