House Warming

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(Shiro's POV)

I had to keep on applying my spell on Keonji and each time I did, it took longer for her to gain any sense back. It's a hassle when you have to get a human to move somewhere else on the same day, so we just had them move back in with their parents to save finding an empty house and he can pay for it if we need more time here. Lady Sora just had me watch Keonji while she gets everything (Y/N) likes from his house moved to the apartment as well as adding a few things we might suggest. When I peeked through the wall, I saw something that made it obvious who suggested this.

Shiro's mind-This looks like Nakano's apartment from when he was still alive... Sen.

There were a few differences, like all wooden plates, bowls, and utensils. I think Lady Sora just wants to add a few things for her unless Senko got her to make it exactly like Nakano's apartment. I pulled my head back into the room and saw Keonji giggling at herself in the mirror when she tapped her own reflection.

 I pulled my head back into the room and saw Keonji giggling at herself in the mirror when she tapped her own reflection

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Shiro-I really did see you as a friend, and I still do. Maybe something will set into you and I can stop putting you into this trance.

Keonji-Dance?... I like dancing!

Shiro-Then again, it's nice to be the smart one.

I played with her and with the help of my spell, she basically didn't have a brain anymore. I got her to play tag with me and tricked her into tagging herself in the mirror and having fun while doing it for 10 minutes while I laughed. After, she cooked me something to feed me and cleaned up, I got her to give me a massage and her face looked like she was in utter bliss. People always love taking care of me. Probably because I was just that great, cute, and impressive to be around.

Shiro-After this, The Great Shiro wants you to rub her feet.


As nice as this was, I wonder what was taking Lady Sora and Senko so long.

(Sora's POV)

Senko was bust trying to convince (YN) to go to a new house of his own free will rather than us forcing him there and causing even more stress and darkness. Meanwhile, the mother was on her hands and knees begging us not to take him away. I was already merciful enough to give them back their room and allow a few visitations that will completely be up to him. The father was rather rageful about this, not like he had the right to suddenly care after all those times he abused, neglected, or just ignored his child's needs and wants. I had him put into a dream state to live his worst nightmares and the squirming and whining in his sleep said it all.

(M/N)-My Lady, please! You can't just take (Y/N)!

Sora-I can, and I will. If you wish to have an explanation, it's because the mere presence always destroys our work, so we will be taking him to Japan for a while before we move him to the shrine... Needless to say, if you even attempt to come after him or have any contact with him in any way there will be 'server' punishments in line for you. 

To Your Hearts Content (Yandere Senko x Child Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن