104 - Stuck in the Middle

Start from the beginning

"I'm so glad you wore that swimsuit. Now I can tell you how good you look in it in person," Robby says as we walk into the water park, snapping me out of my thoughts. Right, today is about having fun at the pool, not stressing about who in the world could possibly want me. I smile, confused.


"You wore that last year when you went on the news and you looked adorable. Now I can say it to your face," he says. I'm wearing the yellow swimsuit that's off the shoulders with a cute little ruffle all around. I'm mildly obsessed with it. My face gets a little warm. Okay, aww.

"Well I'm flattered," I say, "I wanted to wear that two piece from last year, the one I wore last year when we went to the beach club with the LaRussos, but I didn't particularly feel like explaining to anyone why I look like I got in a fight with a tiger, or perhaps a lion, hell, even a teenage girl with a spiked bracelet."

Robby chuckles. I think I'm funny too.

"Well either way, you look amazing,"

"Gracias, but now people can't see my rock solid abs,"

"Maybe, but I know they're there. Want me to make an announcement to the whole park? Attention everyone, here comes Parker Reyes and her stone hard six pack-"

"Very funny, very funny," I say, giving him a playful shove. I spot Yasmine, Moon, Sam, and Anthony all together in one area. I should probably say hi. This will make the first time I've spoken to any of them since.. the tournament? Ay de mí...

"I'm gonna go say hi to my friends. Can I meet back up with you in a sec?" I ask. He smiles gently.

"Probably for the best. I won't be far," he says. I grin.

"Perfect, I'll see you in a few," I say, kissing him on the cheek, then slipping away to where my friends sit. Moon is the first to notice, immediately hopping up.

"Parker!" she exclaims, attacking me with a hug. My body still kinda aches from all the training, and hugs aren't usually my thing, but her enthusiasm at my presence definitely makes up for it. I return the embrace, unable to resist laughing.

"Hey Moon," I say.

"It's been forever! We need to hangout sometime soon," she says as she lets go of me. She's right about both things.

"I would love that," I say, causing her grin to widen.

"Hey Parker," Sam greets, also smiling, "I haven't seen you since the last time we were all at Miyagi-Do together. What've you been up to?"

My heart sinks a little. Abuelita leaving, my dad coming back, training, bleeding, staying with the Diaz family, hurting, outburst, fixing things with Miguel, working, flashback, Tory, Cameron, Robby, Devon's mom, tears, hurting, hands, custody... so much has happened since we last talked... and even then, we didn't talk much at the tournament... most of what she said were comments concerning me fighting unaffiliated... and about me being with Robby...

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now