"One guy told us there was the Coast Guard sitting in the gulf, sending ferries to the islands. The latest one said they were runnin' trains to the middle of the country."

"Kansas, Nebraska–"

"Nebraska?" Glenn asked, an amused smile on his face.

"Low population, lots of guns." Tony answered.

Dave then asked, "Ever been to Nebraska, kid? There's a reason they call 'em flyover states. . . How about you guys?"

"Fort Benning, eventually." Rick answered curtly.

"I hate to piss in your cornflakes, Officer, but we ran across a grunt who was stationed at Benning. Overrun by Lame-Brains." Dave spoke honestly.

Sadie shared another look with Rick as Glenn asked if they were serious.

"You guys don't look like you're holed up here. . . You bunkin' somewhere else?" Dave asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Nope. Just going from one pipe dream to the next, isn't that right?" Sadie answered swiftly before the rest of them could.

"That's right." Rick confirmed.

"Those your cars out front?"

Before Rick or Sadie could deny the truth, Glenn spoke first. "Yeah. Why?"

"Well, we're livin' in ours." Dave began, "Those look kinda empty, clean even. Where's your gear?"

"We're with a larger group. Out scouting and thought we could use a drink." Hershel answered the man, who only nodded in disbelief.

"A drink? Hershel I thought you quit." Dave snickered. "Well, we're lookin' to set up around here. Is it – is it safe?"

"Safe as it can be. We've killed a few Walkers around here." Sadie responded, pouring Tony another drink before moving slowly towards Dave.

"You guys holed up in the housing development? Trailer park? Farm?"

When silence fell up amongst them, Dave smirked lightly. "Farm's gotta be safe. You guys got food? Water?"

"You got anotha' hot piece of ass like her back at home?" Tony snickered, licking his lips at Sadie.

Dave sighed heavily, rubbing his tired eyes, "You'll have to excuse my friend. City kids, they got no tact. No disrespect to you." He set a hand on Sadie's, stopping her from pouring more into the bottle.

Sadie smiled, an angry look on her face, "None taken."

"So, listen, Glenn–" Dave began once more, but Sadie was quick to cut him off.

"We've said enough." She ripped her hand from Dave's and began to turn around.

Dave stood up, grabbing her wrist and pulling her back, "Now, listen, this place sounds pretty safe. How about a little Southern hospitality? We got some buddies back at camp who've been havin' a hard time. We could pull our man power together–"

Rick stepped up beside Sadie, his expression filled with anger. "That's not an option." He forcefully spoke, ripping Dave's hand off from Sadie's.

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