Conversations Over Cooking

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Characters: Hero, Sunny, Basil

Ships: Past Picnic Sandwich, Minor Sunflower (Can be interpreted as platonic or romantic)

Warnings: Ships you may not like, Omori spoilers, Duh, Discussions of Murder, Yet again, Y'all know the drill by this point, Headcanons galore, It's me we're talking about here this isn't a new thing, Part 2 to 'When starting over isn't as easy as it seems', Am I adding to my pile of drafts to continue this 'talking about the incident and reconnecting as a group' saga? Yes, Yes I am, I apologize but a story is a story as long as something is being produced here lol, Someone help, Sunny thinks no one likes him, Sunny's brain is the only one who actually doesn't like Sunny, The same applies to Basil, More talk of self-deletion, Did I reference the Neutral and Hikikomori endings here? Yes, Was that on purpose? No, Hero is also slightly self-deprecating here, Poor dude


For a normally loud, chaotic household of five, it was unnaturally quiet... and empty.

Kel was out for basketball practice with his team, Mr. Vasquez was at work, and Mrs. Vasquez was out visiting family along with Sally.

The silence, however, didn't mean that the house was empty. The eldest of the Vasquez siblings, Hero, was the only member of the household present, but he was accompanied by two of his childhood friends, Sunny and Basil.

The three were preparing meals for a picnic they planned to have with the rest of their group later. Well, that and Hero was teaching Sunny how to cook, because apparently the teen still had no idea how. 

They had already made a handful of meals and were finishing their respective tasks for their current dish. Hero was testing the consistency and temperature of the dish he'd just pulled from the oven, Sunny was grating cheese (It was one of the only tasks that was the least likely to seriously hurt him unless he was actively trying to get hurt), and Basil was slicing some vegetables that he'd ever so helpfully gifted them from his own garden (Unfortunately, the kitchen was a dangerous place no matter what you did, so Hero had given Sunny all of the easiest, least dangerous tasks since he had never cooked before but still wanted to be helpful, and just prayed that Basil's experience with cooking, plus his supervision would be enough to keep any disasters from happening).

When Hero had found himself satisfied with the finished product of the chicken he'd cooked in advance for his dad to eat when he eventually returned from work, he placed it on a free cutting board on the counter to cool. As he did, he felt a tug on his sleeve. He turned to see Sunny holding the cheese grater out for him to take.

'I think I grated enough, is that good?' The teen signed once the cheese grater had been taken from him.

Hero opened it to take a look inside.

"Yep, this is great, Sunny, thanks for your help!" The med student praised, giving the black-haired boy an appreciative pat on the head, handing the grater back to him, "Alright, now can you sprinkle some of that onto the baked potatoes we made earlier please?"

Sunny nodded and went to complete the task. Meanwhile, Basil picked up his cutting board and dumped its contents into the big glass bowl they'd prepared to mix a salad in.

"Alright, I-I'm done, too," The flower boy announced, placing the cutting board and knife in the sink.

"Thanks, you two, you've both been a lot of help," Hero replied, going through a shelf containing most of his many cookbooks.

"Is there anything else we're making?" Basil asked.

"Yeah, there's one more thing. I found an old recipe I've been waiting to try for a while now, but I think it might be good to try out, what do you say?" Hero answered.

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