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Characters: Mari, Sunny, Hero, Kel, Sally, Basil, Mari and Sunny's parents, Kel, Hero, and Sally's mom, Basil's Grandma, Polly, Mewo, All those random unexplained stray cats that just vibe around Faraway Town

Ships: Picnic Sandwich

Warnings: Ships you may not like, Minor cursing, Alternate Universe, Sunny's real name is Omori for story purposes, But he changes it, So don't worry, Sunny will eventually be Sunny, Sunny runs away because he's stressin', Mari and Sunny don't live in Faraway Town, Main gang aren't together but the ones in Faraway know each other because Faraway is but a small town where everyone knows everyone and that fact is unavoidable, Mari lives because Sunny says 'fuck this shit I'm out' and skips town

Thank you for the request @Treeone2, I hope you enjoy it!


"Omori, get up! You can't just sleep all day!"

Omori slowly opened his eyes, squinting as he adjusted to the morning sunlight now shining harshly in his eyes. Shielding them and sitting up groggily as he yawned.

The tired twelve-year-old huffs and shoots a look at his sister, Mari from across the room, who was smiling in feigned innocence and holding the cord from the previously closed blinds.

"Oh, look who finally woke up! Hop on out of bed and eat breakfast, we've got practice today, little brother," Mari ordered gently, patting him on the head and giggling when he swatted at the intrusive hands in response.

Oh, right. Recital practice.

Was it still too late to pretend he was still asleep?

Omori sighed miserably and trudged downstairs, pouring himself a bowl of cereal. He briefly contemplated eating it as slowly as he possibly could to stall but shot the idea down when he realized that it would only make his cereal soggy. Ew. He may be desperate, but he's still hungry. He'd like to eat his cereal, thank you very much.

It wasn't that he hated the violin or his sister for that matter. He loved the way the violin seemed to fit into his hands, the beautiful melodies it could create, the way his family looked at him in pride when he finished playing for them, and the things it made him feel when he played.

And his sister. His beautiful, smart, talented, loving, warm, ever-so-perfect older sister. He loved her with all his heart. No, really, he did. She was his best and only friend. He wasn't a very social or emotional person (externally, at least), but his sister was always there to help him, to play with him, spend time with him, laugh and joke with him, listen to him, and comfort him. They'd been each other's favourite people since the second Omori had opened those big, curious eyes of his to see the world for the first time.

But playing music with her was a different story.

Usually, he loved it. The way her hands delicately fluttered across her piano's smooth ivory keys, and the way her piano and his violin seemed to intertwine and complement each other perfectly.

But this wasn't usually. The two were practicing for a big recital. Their first one. Well, his first one, and their first played together, but not Mari's. Truth be told, Omori didn't want to do this recital. He hated people. They made him horribly anxious. But Mari and his parents had been so insistent with the idea ever since he'd picked up the violin in the first place that he'd felt he had no choice but to give in and accept. He wanted to make them proud.

But the thing was, Mari was a perfectionist. This meant that she'd nag and nitpick every missed note, every accidental tempo change, every wrong note, every ignored dynamic on the page, etc. She'd stop them both and take them both back to the start at any mistake she'd notice, no matter how small or insignificant.

Omori OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now