Meeting someone new

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Heyyy warning mention of rape ig

Swiss pov

This damn train can't go any fucking slower. I'm sitting in a corner just thinking to myself and smoking a cigar when I hear a loud thunk. Someone else is in here now. The doors are open and I see a tall man jump on. I tilt my head down and ignore him not looking to start trouble. "Get off the damn train kid." He says to me. "And why would I do that?" I ask him. He steps closer to me. "Because this is my train cart now and I'll throw you out of it myself if I have to." He smirks at me. How sickening. "I'm not going anywhere if you wanna be alone so bad then get your ass off this dann train." He's still a good 8ft away from me. "Kid listen to me or I'll-" I stand up and look him in his eyes. "Or you'll what? Hurt me? Rape me? You gonna kill me?" I say to his face stepping closer to him. "I might do all three if you don't keep your fucking mouth shut!" He says getting more aggressive now stepping towards me. "Get the fuck off this train!" I yell at him grabbing my pistol. I point it at him and he freezes. "You won't. Your just a kid, your to scared, and you can't shoot." He grins. I shoot right above his shoulder skimming it tearing up only a little piece skin. "Scared? I'll blow your head off, I can shoot a gun, and I'm damn good at it too." I say with no hesitation as he backs towards the edge of the cart. "Your fucking crazy." He says jumping off. I sit back down in the corner of the cart and light another cigar. Why do people have to be so fucking greedy.

It was somewhere around noon and the train would make a stop up ahead. I go to the edge of the cart and sit with my legs hanging off the side. I see the trees pass and begin to fade as it crosses a bridge. It looks beautiful. When the trains slows I jump out and see that it's fully stopped. I decide that I'd just go get some lunch. I go inside a dinner and look around. I carefully sneak into the back and grab some food putting it into my bag. When I decide that it's enough I leave through the back and go find another train going east. I find some tracks that either I east or west. I wait for the train to pass by. I've been here for about five hours waiting. I was going to take a nap when I hear the clink of the tracks as the train comes into view. I wait for it to get close to the end. I see a cart that looks ok and I jump on. I unlock the door and slide it open before getting inside. It was carrying soda cans so I stuffed a few into my bag before sitting in the corner to take a nap and rest.

I was woken up when I heard a clink in the cart, I open my eyes to see someone jumped in I think I scared him cause he almost fell out. I jump up and catch him so he doesn't fall. "Careful!" I say to him smiling as he looks at me stunned.

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