I dont wanna go home

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"And why are you in my office today?" The principal asks at his desk. "Cause I beat someone up cause he picked a fight with me." Sodo says sitting in a chair across from him rolling his eyes. "Sodo is doesn't matter if he picked the fight you shouldn't have fought back!" The principal warns. "What was I supposed to do let him beat me up! This school system is fucked!" Sodo yells. "Watch your mouth! You have an after school detention for the next four days. Now out of my office!" Sodo got up and left slamming the door behind him. He walked out smiling proudly when he left. He was happy he got those detentions. He didn't want to go home at the end of the day. He didn't necessarily like school he just didn't like home either and would rather stay. His parents were strict and if he didn't do what was asked of him he would get hit or beat by his parents.

It was the end of day and Sodo made his way to the detention room. When he got there he saw Aether. "What did you do this time?" Aether laughs as Sodo sits a desk away from him. "I got into another fight on school grounds again and I cussed at the God dam principal." Sodo explains. "Why are you in here?" He asks Aether. "They found cigarettes in my backpack and caught me smoking." Both boys shut up as the teacher walks in the room. "So who's here today... Aether and of course your back Sodo." She sighs. Mrs. Learin knew about Sodos home life and why Sodo wouldn't want to go home right away. She allowed Sodo to do what he wanted in detention as long as he was quiet and not destructive. Sodo usually drew on everything, paper, desks, his self, everything he could while he waited to be dismissed. He wasn't the best artist but he was good to a point and he enjoyed it.

The teacher had left to go check with the office about 40mins into the detention. "Wanna leave?" Aether asks bored as fuck. "I'm good, I'm heading out to the train tracks by the bridge later around 8:00pm though if you wanna meet me there." Sodo tells him. "Sure why not. I'll see you tonight." Aether responds leaving the room and heading home. When the teacher returns she let's out a sigh and says. "Where did he go." Sodo just continued doing his thing while the teacher called the principal about Aether.

When the detention had ended Sodo had to go home. When he got home he opened the door and saw the house empty. This was his chance. He grabbed a water bottle and filled it as well as grabbed some snacks. He put them in a bag with some extra items like, extra clothes. He ran out of the house as soon as he had his things in his bag and made his way to the train tracks. The train came by around 8:30pm and he was meeting Aether at 8:00pm. When he got there he started making his way to the bridge the train crossed. It was around 6:00pm when he had arrived. He went under the bridge to see if anyone had left any partly full spray paint cans, and to his surprise he found one. He painted a random eyeball that was dripping cause why the fuck not he needed to kill some time.

When all the cans were completely empty and there was art all over the post holding up the bridge Sodo went back up above to the top of the bridge to wait for Aether. There was someone who was walking along the side of the tracks. He was an older man with grey hair. He stopped walking when he was across from where Sodo was sitting down in the otherside of the tracks. "What someone so young doin' out 'ere at this time?" The man asks. Sodos never seen this man before. He didn't live around his town or even come around. "I'm waiting for my friend." Sodo tells him. "You runnin' away boy?" The man's asks still not moving. "Yes I am." Sodo stands up still confused. "If yer' train jumpin' this train goes to Chicago. I got a buddy that you can find. His name is Copia. You can find him at the Phantomime Club in Chicago 'ight off street IV. He supplies runaways with food, money, and fresh clothes." Sodo, confused with no clue of what's happening asks the man. "Why are you telling me all of this?" The man looks up for a split second. "I 'an away once too boy. I know it' hard to get on yer' feet from nothin'. So take the chance an' go find my friend." The man started walking away as Sodo stayed still. He was going to find Copia.

After about half an hour he saw Aether walking towards him catching up. "Hey!" Aether smiles. "Hi!" Sodo smiled back. He stood up and looked at Aether getting straight to the point. "I'm running away."

"What? Where are you going? Do you have a place to go?" Aether questions worried for his friend. "I'm jumping on the train and going to Chicago." Sodo tells him calming him down. "I wont stop you but you better be safe you retard." Aether laughs. "Ya ya whatever you dumfuck." Sodo grins. "Do drugs drink alchohol just dont die." Aether puts his hands on Sodos shoulders and shakes him violently. "Dont die fucker!" They both laugh their asses off together and talk for one last time.

Sodo stood up from where the two sat on the ground when he heard the train. "Hey I'll make sure to visit." Sodo laughs. "Sure buddy. I'll miss you though, and I'll be in detention alone from now on." Aether fake crys. "Oh how could I do this to you." Sodo says dramatically. They laugh once more as the train gets closer. It starts to go by them and Sodo steps forward. "Goodbye retard." Sodo says. "Bye fucker." Aether responds. Sodo waits for and open cart and when he spots one he jumps in. He struggled for a moment before he was fully inside the cart. He looked to his right and saw someone. It startled him and he started to fall backwards until he felt someone catch him from falling out of the train cart. "Careful!" Said the boy who'd caught him. Who was he?

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