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Dripimg wiv blud Dave sey to micel Jackson
"U forget to reheehee ur heehee powers wen I de heeheed ur heeheed power yes?"

"Oh noo" set Micheal jeckson "that's arrogant"

"Hee hee" say dev vinishing off Micheal jexon

"AHHHH?" sey Mikel jeckson fayding in too dust.

Stending in masife creyter left when big explosion exploded Dave brushes his sholder bcz he is coel 😎😎😎

"Now that I have a tractor I kan start ferm liek my grayt grayt grayt grayt granded

I bild the ferm from scretch by miself and I get animal too sel to bootcher foer munee.

I kil de pig for bacon but no more pig so no moor ferm. 😭

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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