Chapter 47 - The Train Yard

Start from the beginning

        (Y/N) had a small smile and looked back down at the pouch in her hands. "That sounds nice..."

        B noticed her dejected tone and looked up at her. She turned onto her side and propped her head up with her arm. "You wanna talk? Dad is still on the phone with 11. We have time."

       (Y/N)'s claws traced against the small letters and numbers on the pouch. She's been trying her best to keep her fear down, but it was like that moment with Xed back in the city made it worse. She hasn't said anything, even though she knows that she has to. But what Xed told her sounded like a threat. A promise even. It's having her second guess everything and looking over her shoulder again. B waited patiently for her friend to speak. She almost thought (Y/N) was going to stay silent. But then she began to turn around and B could see her claws were digging into the pouch.

        (Y/N) took a shaky breath and finally spoke. "I'm scared. What if this is all for nothing? What if it all ends up like before..?"

"We lose?" B spoke up to stop (Y/N) from almost ranting. "We're not. With all the manpower we have and the strategy my dad came up with, we're going to win this."

"Have you ever seen what the Elitists can do to communities?" (Y/N) asked.

        The Capturer had no choice but to shake her head. "No. But that doesn't mean we can't be certain."

        The demon girl sighed, not finding that answer reassuring as she looked away. It's not like she didn't have faith in the Zone and those involved, it's more of a fact that anything can happen. She thought her community which was tucked far away from any outside influences and rarely encountered any demons was completely safe from harm. And how wrong she was...

"You're not the only one who's scared..." B muttered. "My family is involved. My parents, my brothers, my cousin. I don't know what I would do if I lost any of them..."

        (Y/N) remained silent. She didn't know what she would've done either. In a way, she still didn't.

"And that's why I'm going to make sure that I'll never have to figure out what I'll do. This battle is for the greater good of everyone and I plan to do everything it takes for us to win." B spoke as she sat up and placed a reassuring hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder. "Neither of us are going to go through what happened to you ever again."

        (Y/N) sniffed back a rising tear at B's words. She glanced at her for a second before moving to lean against her shoulder and hug her from the side. B didn't have much trouble hugging her back immediately.

        (O/N) was walking along the bridge trying to look for the girls. They were about to leave soon. But as she reached the top curve of the bridge, she was able to see the two hugging each other next to the creek.

        The Head Keeper stopped and smiled warmly at the scene. Seeing the two grow so close made her happy.

"You're a good friend, Blythe..." (Y/N) muttered.

"Of course I am." B tried to joke but was having trouble holding back her own emotions. She's always had trouble making friends due to her abnormal traits. It's why she always finds herself seeking the company of demons more than her own kind.

        Despite (Y/N) still being a demon, she was a human not too long ago. In a way, that still counted to B. The first human other than her family who didn't judge her for what she can do...

        And the first one to see her as a friend and not a monster.

"We should get back to the trucks." B said and (Y/N) nodded in agreement. They both got to their feet and started making their way back up to the bridge.

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