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Vegas woke up with something bright in his eyes

Groaning he sat up and stretched then realized he was on the bed

"Huh when did I go to sleep" he mutters to himself before finally realizing his surroundings

Why am I back in my old room, he thought to himself as he noticed he was not in the room he had in the major family home

Another thing he noticed

Was that pete wasn't by his side

Then his phone went off and he saw that he got a text from pete himself

~Hey veggie, we made it to the resort and don't worry tankhun hadn't tried to set me up with anyone yet~

Vegas looks at the text confused "wasn't that a year ago" he mumbles to himself

Then vegas decided to get up and search for everyone and sure enough he realized that he is back at the minor family house

Feeling even more confused he went downstairs where he was shocked at the sight of teenage chay and macau eating breakfast

Macau noticed the older and greeted him "hey hia, look chay  taught me how to cook" he beamed

Chay rolls his eyes "I wanted to say sorry for pushing onto your bad mood from last night, I know us being kids was not were you hoping when you came back, so thats why we made breakfast" he explained

"No no no, you're actually supposed to be kids no! Babies, wha how did you come back to normal" Vegas said rambling much to the concern of macau and chay

"Hia are you alright" Macau asked worriedly

"Should I call pete" chay whispered

Vegas just started at them confused

"Hia, do you need more rest, I feel like you need it" Macau asked worriedly

Vegas shook his head "no no I'll be fine, just need some time alone hm" he said as he left to the gardens leaving behind two very confused teens

Vegas sighed as he stared off in the middle of the garden

"It was just a dream" he mutters to himself unbelievably

Then he huffed "of course something like that has to be a dream i mean, they can't turn into babies overnight" he scoffed

Then he heard footsteps coming behind him

"Hia" he heard Macau hesitantly say

Vegas turns and nods "whats up cau" he said tiredly

"I brought you breakfast, i didn't want it to get cold plus it's for you"

Vegas smiles then took the plate "thanks nong"

"Is everything alright hia, you just seem distracted this morning" Macau ask concerned

Vegas smiles "im fine just had a weird dream"

"Oh ok" Macau said

Then chay came their way skipping

"Here forgot to put whipping cream" chay beams as he spread it on vegas's dish

Vegas smiles and ruffled his hair "thanks chay, how did you know"

Chay shrugged "nong's instinct"

Then macau suddenly got up and storms off in a huff

As vegas stared after him, chay spoke "he apparently doesn't like it when you give me attention, he feels like he's not your only nong anymore"

"Aren't you two boyfriends though so technically you're gonna be my brother- in- law"

Chay nodded "yea but, you're like a father he wishes to have, so of course he feels this way"

"Oh thats right" Vegas mutters then he stood up to after macau

After a few moments, he Finally found macau playing with his game controller but the TV is turned off

Vegas rolls his eyes at his sulky nong "I don't know who is more hilarious, you or the baby version of you" he chuckled

Macau heard him and looks at him confused "huh??"

Vegas smiles and sat by him "in my dream, you and chay were magically turned into babies and you heh oh boy you would not let me hold chay no matter what"

Macau laughed a little "really" he questioned

Vegas nodded "oh yeah, look cau, I don't know what the dream means-"

" oh I do" chay was heard as he came in

Vegas and Macau looks at him confused

"Last night you kept teasing us and calling us kids and baby so what if that led to you dreaming of us as babies"

Vegas nodded taking it into consideration "could be" then he looked at macau "look you will always be my nong, the baby that I raised hm, and no one will ever take that spot from you" he smiles

Macau wiped his tears then went to hug Vegas "thanks hia"

"No problem nong"

Then chay phone went off  "oh its hia" he said checking out the caller before answering

"Hi hia..... no im fine...... really...... the same thing for vegas....... yep we were so worried for him this morning..... huh i see, ok love you byeee be safe"

Vegas and Macau looks at him confused

"What happened" Macau asked

"The dream Vegas just described is what Porsche just told me about, he had the exact same dream" chay said weirded out

"Ok me I get but Porsche.... how" Vegas wondered

"I think it be because he worries about me" chay suggested

"I think so, in my dream you were only clinging onto me so up until the last moment you were not warming up to him yet, he really cares about you nong really" Vegas explained

Chay smiles "I know he does"

"Me and Porsche cares about you both because we Raised you and you know what we would do it again if we have to" Vegas said

Macau moves to hug him "only if that was possible, I would love to have a better life with you as my dad"

Chay nodded "same, but you know with Porsche" he chuckled as macau glared when he said same

"Alright after all that i feel like doing a movie night tonight, you pick" Vegas offers as the two youngers cheers

"But right now we are going to have a cuddle pile" chay exclaimed as he and Macau hugs Vegas some more as vegas just chuckled and hold them tighter

nong turned into a baby overnight!!????Where stories live. Discover now