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"Happy birthday dear macau and chayyy happy birthday to youu"

Everyone cheers as they sang to the one year olds as the Babies giggled and clapped their hands

"I still don't get why they have to celebrate their birthday on the same day, they have different birthdays you know" kim remarks

"Why wanna celebrate yours too today" tankhun teased

Kim rolls his eyes "no pa im just saying, its just weird"

Its been a year since the magical occurrence between macau and chay and now the family treats it as normalcy

"You two shush, and let my babies celebrate their day" Vegas remarks

"Hmm technically chays my baby"

"I swear Porsche if you don't shut it"

Porsche surrendered "geez just saying"

Then they heard pete burst out laughing and everyone looks at him strangely "I swear its like you two had chay, got divorced, then have joint custody of him and you are with kinn while vegas is with me and then me and vegas had macau" pete explains as he still laughed

"Eww no" Porsche and vegas said in disgust

Kinn Hummed "welllll"

"Kinn say something and you will be cock-blocked for a month"

Kinn widen his eyes as he shut his mouth

"Speaking of custody, me and tem have an announcement to make" tankhun suddenly spoke

Tem smiles as he saw everyone watch tankhun with anticipation

"Me and tem are adopting" tankhun exclaimed

Everyone looks on in suprise and said their congratulations

"Let me guess you're done with that joke and officially adopting me or whatever" kim coolly said

"Um no actually, we met a young boy who we became very fond of and got close to right away so we are planning to adopt him" Tem explained with a smile

Noticed by some, kims smirk falters and a flash of sadness was seen in his eyes but he quickly covered it up
"Oh thats nice, can't wait to meet him" he said sadly

Tankhun smirked "good to hear, because you're gonna be his adoptive big bro"

Kim looks back at them confused

"We are actually adopting twice, the boy we just talked about and you" tem fondly said

Kim failed to not smile and just went up to the couple before him "thank you" he sniffled

"Of course" tankhun whispered

"Ayayayaya" Macau angerly babbles when no one was paying attention to him

Everyone laughs at the adorable baby

Vegas picked him up "aigoo there there you attention seeker" he said bouncing him up and down

Macau babbles as he giggled then he gave a little yawn

"Well someone is tired" Vegas teased

"I think they both are" Porsche chuckled as he looked towards his nong who was sleeping on his cake

"Well buying two cakes wasn't a dumb idea after all" pete jokes

Porsche then took chay to the bathroom to get cleaned up

As the two left with their respective nongs, kim spoke up
"I said it before and I'll say it again, its really weird for something like this to happen, I tried to find something in macaus room that turned them into this but nothing" kim said shaking his head

"So it's a dead end bub" tankhun tries to comfort kim knowing that he doesn't like to fail when investigating something

Kim nodded then sighed

Meanwhile vegas and Porsche has met up by the nursery room with their respective nongs and went to put them in their cribs

"I kinda like this, glad it brought us closer together" Porsche said

"You know what same" Vegas strangely said

"I'm just glad chay finally warmed up to me"

Vegas hummed then stayed behind as Porsche turns to leave but then he semi turned around

"Oh and by the way you can be his parent too if you want" Porsche offers

"That would be great Porsche" Vegas replys

Then Porsche left leaving vegas home with the babies

"This has been a wild adventure, hopefully this could be your second chance at a better childhood" Vegas smiles as he patted sleeping macau and chay's stomach

He smiles fondly at them before leaving the room

And then

Vegas woke up

nong turned into a baby overnight!!????Where stories live. Discover now