The Moon is Lovely

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Nobody's POV

Timeskip: (7:30pm)

Kanae and her sisters are now back home after a long hour of work. Kanae was humming as they walk to the front door while carrying a sleeping Shinobu and Kanao was behind them typing on her phone

"Ara~ Shinobu, what seems to be the problem?" Kanae looked a the sleeping Shinobu

"Is it because of what happened at the meeting room?" Kanae reminisced the event


At the Meeting room

Douma, one of Kanae's colleague was chasing Shinobu down. He's known for being creepy and insensitive to those around him. He is still at the hospital due to his intelligence

"Shinobu-chan!! Please let's go out together!!!" Douma said across the room

"Like hell that would happen, I wouldn't go out with the likes of you moron!" Shinobu shouted as she throws her pen at him

"Come on! There's 2 mins before the meeting starts, let's do something before that 2 minutes end~"

"GET AWAY FROM MEEE!!!!" Shinobu shouted as she screamed like there's no tomorrow

"Flashback end"

Nobody's POV

Kanae carried the sleeping Shinobu on her arms to her bedroom. After she's done, she went into her room only to find Sanemi reading a book

"Ara~ still the same book like last time Mr. Scarface?" Kanae teased

Sanemi froze a bit and slowly looked at Kanae who was giggling at his reaction. He let out a sigh and went back to reading

"Sooo, how was your day?? I don't quite remember giving you any food earlier so I wonder how you made it through" She asked but Sanemi just groaned

"So grumpy" She thought as he look at him gazing outside her window.

"The moon is quite lovely tonight" Sanemi uttered without hesitation.

Sanemi was confused with the sudden silence since Kanae would usually reply. He looked at her only to see her blushing.

"Oi don't tell me you have a fever or something?" He questioned

"Y-YOU, W-WHY DID YOU SAY THAT?!" Kanae screamed but Sanemi just looked again back at the window

Kanae was still blushing but the moonlight and the angle of every detail
took her attention, never she knew that he could be that handsome. Her heart skipped a beat

"A memory from someone" He mentioned

Kanae blinked twice before catching up. She looked at him tilting her head without saying anything, a few minutes passed and Sanemi sighed and look down

"Doesn't mean we're close or what Kanae. Just returning the favor and that's it." He explained to which Kanae nodded with extreme curiousity

"I once met a girl when I was 16. At that age I was a famous delinquent for beating up people and stealing shit. Got lots of scars and bruise from getting punished but it's nothing compared to my hungry stomach. One night I was wrapping a bandage around my wound on a field when a girl in a purple dress came up to me, I tried pushing her away but she was persistent until I just let her on. She was gentle, soft-spoken, kind, and friendly that kinda reminds me of my mother. Since that night, we started meeting up every night on the same place until she gave me something to remember before moving away abroad with her family" Sanemi stated as he look again outside

"Butterfly you say? Why did you call her butterfly, such a silly nickname~" Kanae giggled until Sanemi explained "She had pink eyes with two pink butterfly pins both ends of her hair"

Kanae stopped giggling and somehow felt a nostalgic feeling after that statement. The feeling of giddiness lashed out and she somehow got confused why.

"Before she left, she told me one thing and that is how lovely the moon is"

Timeskip: 30 mins later

Nobody's POV

Lights out, everybody was asleep and Kanae was lying down in her bed with Sanemi sleeping on the floor covered with blankets to hide him from her sisters incase they enter. Unable to sleep she shifts her position until she lie flat and facing the ceiling

"Sanemi-kun sure has a rough childhood but somehow it feels similar or rather familiar" Kanae thought

She closed her eyes for a bit until she reached for her drawer and took out a picture too blurry to recognize but the clothes were visible with a boy and girl beside each other one with a white kimono and one with a pink dress with it's environment in a dark moonlit scenery.

Kanae took a necklace pendant type and opened it to see her face and one empty

"After Sanemi-kun's story, I felt a tingling sensation, my first love perhaps? Does he even remember me anymore? He was bruised and a grumpy boy when we first met but he was cute" Kanae whispered to herself

She placed the paraphernalias back to her drawer and lay back down. Hovering to a Sanemi who is still awake and just wondering for a bit

"I spew too much, darn it, hope she doesn't teases me about it. He thought as he slowly shut his eyes

"I miss you, Nemi-kun" Kanae thought as she slowly falls asleep

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