Escape and Meeting

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Siren wailing

Police officers running and screaming

Nobody's POV


The Nagatumo Prison was in distress, Jail officers were running around and searching, dispatching guards all over the vicnity of the prison, watch towers are scanning the area with their floodlights in attempt to catch the runaway criminal. Such activity was done by a wanted criminal named Sanemi Shinazugawa who broke out of prison.

He was running down the hill as he avoid the obstacles ahead, using the darkness and the terrain to his advantage in attempt to lose the guards, dogs and jail guards were on his tail and he must do something before he gets caught. Jumping from a rock to going zigzag with trees, he was determined to lose them. He was-


An officer shot a shot causing Sanemi to get hit. A shallow yet painful shot on his shoulder was the cause for him to lose blood.

Sanemi's POV

Fuck! I got shot... Goddamn it, I need to keep moving otherwise the months of planning will be nothing! This guards are fucking annoying and those dogs are also the real deal

I was still running until I found a town. I hurriedly went to the alleyways to hide from the police. I was climbing every wall and gates I could climb until I landed on someone's backyard, the blood loss from my wound is making me weak... Wait wait I'm losing my vision... Wai-


Kanae's POV

It was around 11:30 pm when I felt dry. I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Afterwards, I went back to my room, while getting ready, I notice some yelling outside, I look through the window until I saw police running. What's happening?

I was confused and anxious on why the Police are running until I notice a guy with white spiky hair and wearing blue clothes running away

"Oh my god, a fugitive is on a lose. Please please please, catch him as soon as possible" I thought as I hid a bit while peeking through the window

The stood there watching like if it was a action movie. Until I notice someone climbing my backyard's wall, that's when I knew the criminal has entered my property. I was scared on what that person could do so I hurriedly close the curtains and-


I heard a thud, I looked outside and I saw the guy lying down on the grass. Wait... Is that blood?? From what it looks like, he got shot. Do I save him or not? He's a criminal, he's dangerous, but he needs medical attention or else he will die....

My brain was about to malfunction from too much thoughts on what to do until I decided to do what's right

Nobody's POV

Kanae quietly went downstairs and opened the backyard door. She sauntered the yard carefully as she approaches the unconscious man with caution. She grabbed a piece of branch on the floor and poked the guy, she poked him atleast 5x to check if he's awake to which he did not respond.

She flip him over only to see a guy covered in scars, spiky white hair and a very muscular physique, and yes the wound from his shoulder. Without further ado, she dragged him inside her home, she was struggling to draig him due to his weight. She placed him on the couch and started treating his wound, nimble but carefully treating the wounds

"Lord, I hope I did the right thing here, a lot of stuff are rumbling my mind because of my actions!!" Kanae mentally screamed as she tend to the criminal's wound

10 minutes later

Kanae finished tending to his wound. He was all wrapped up and now she was finding possible places to hide the guy from being discovered.

"Now Mr... Where should I hide you... Can't leave you alone outside, that's for sure... Then where..." Kanae thought

It took her 10mins until she came up with an idea to put the criminal in her bedroom. She had no other choice so she then mustered all her strength and dragged him into her room.

Kanae reached her room and slowly placed the guy down as she created a makeshift bed for him. She dragged him and put his head on the pillow

"Hmm, he seems to be in a stable state. Looks like I gotta wait for you to recover before turning you over" Kanae said as she checked him up

A few minutes later, Kanae then went back to her bed but with caution since she's going to sleep with a criminal inside her room

"I hope I did the right thing!!!" Kanae thought as she slowly drift to sleep

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