Prologue: A Lost Girl

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Torrents of rain poured down on the forests in the Kingdom of Katolis. The raindrops sounded like pebbles beating the ground. Dark gray storm clouds swirled in the sky, flickering with silent lightning and rumbling with powerful thunder.
Cantering through the forest was a good deal of horses walking through the grassy tails and splashing through a few puddles. But on the armored horses were soldiers known as Standing Battalion as they all patrolled through the forest together. The landscape has changed dramatically. The craggy mountains loomed overhead, some still wearing the last pieces of snow on their peaks. High mountains, gentle rolling hills and slopes, and a rich shade of emerald green that looks amazing.
A strong bugle could be heard in the forest, followed by the pounding thumps of cantering horses. A group of soldiers were making their approach. One could see it was a legion of three dozen horses came to a halt directly in front of them. One rider, heavily armored and radiating confidence, stepped in front of the group on her white horse. An ornate helmet covered the warrior's head.
"General Amaya!" exclaimed one of the soldiers.
General Amaya took off her helmet from her head. She shook out her cropped, jet-black hair and brushed it from her face, revealing a long scar on her cheek.
She is a great general and a fearless leader, known across the land for her brilliant battlefield strategy and improvisation. But General Amaya didn't say anything to her soldiers — she had been born deaf and signed to communicate.
Commander Gren, General Amaya's assistant and interpreter, joined the woman's side. Commander Gren was young, freckled, and a little awkward, but his sign language skills were impeccable.
Amaya noticed that the forest seemed to be slightly burnt from a previous wildfire. As she continued looking around warily, she smelled a faint scent of smoke in the air. But Amaya found has found a path that's halfway covered in ash and saw an outline of a completely destroyed house on the top of a rocky hill and halfway hidden in the destroyed trees.
"Amaya?" She looked at her lieutenant, Gren, who was looking at her in concern and was speaking through sign language and speaking out loud. "What's wrong?"
"There's a destroyed house up ahead," signed Amaya back and Gren translated her words for the soldiers. "We need to see if there's any survivors there."
Amaya led her soldiers onto the path and once they entered the clearing, Amaya was horrified at the destruction of the house. The remnants of the house was covered in soot and has been burnt terribly. The house has been torn down with ash floating in the air and soot was all over the place where the house had once stood proudly. Everyone was horrified to silence at the terrifying sight. But Amaya had noticed that the stables was partially destroyed, but there's no sign of any burnt horses.
"Now what General?" whispered Corvus, his eyes full of grief.
"We still have to check for any survivors just in case," Gren translated Amaya's sign language for the soldiers. "But keep your guard up. It might be a trap."
It wasn't long till everyone had dismounted their horses and started searching through the damage. Amaya looked around warily, but sadness was evident within her eyes when she saw the faint outlines of burnt out figures. She caught Gren's eye and they both carried grief on their faces.
"General!" Corvus called out. "I found someone! And I think she's still alive!"
Amaya autiously approached the unknown figure, one hand hovered over the hilt of her sword. Amaya felt amazed by the survivor's will to live, despite the survivor's situation. She exchanges a look with Gren with before everyone joined Corvus, they started moving the mess away from the survivor. When the lightning flashed again, Amaya caught a clear image of the shape. Amaya felt her breath caught in her throat and tears entered her eyes when she saw the twelve year old girl, laying on the ground motionless.
The rainy wind gently ruffled the girl's long, wavy sandy-blonde hair. Her skin has a lightly tanned complexion from her time in the sun and held a few scratches, along with some ash and dirt. She was wearing a slightly ripped purple shirt and dark brown pants and boots. She has a bracelet with three moonstones around her left wrist.
Amaya relaxed her muscles and kneeled beside the girl, noticing the way her chest rose and lowered with every breath.
"She's alive," Amaya signed. "Fall out. We have to get this girl to the castle." Gren translated her message to the rest of the guards. They obeyed her order and Amaya lifted the girl up from the soaking, wet ground. She felt the child shiver in her grasp and her eyes softened with sympathy as she gently mounted her onto her steed.

King Harrow was in his study looking over some documents when his royal advisor, Lord Viren, entered the room. "Your Majesty, General Amaya and the troops have returned."
"Empty-handed, I hope," King Harrow said, his brows furrowed with worry. He was aware of the reports and was the one who sent Amaya to investigate if whether or not the rumors were true or misconceptions. He had been praying all day for the latter to come true.
"Not... exactly," Viren replied uneasily.

King Harrow was relieved to hear that they did not find a beast after all, but what his sister-in-law did find was just as unexpected. Ezran was the first to run into the throne room right after Amaya and the others did. Callum, out of breath, finally caught up to him. "Ezran, slow down!"
"Dad, what happened?" Ezran asked, trying to get a closer look at the girl in Amaya's arms. Callum gently pulled Ezran back from the girl.
The girl's head was nestled against Amaya's armored chest plate, one arm limply on her side while the other rested on her stomach. Her face was stained with dried up mud and her sandy hair, though still very luminescent in the right light, was sleek and wet.
"We found this girl unconscious out in the ruins of a burnt out house," Gren explained.
"Was she alone?" Harrow asked, eyeing the girl with genuine concern.
"I'm afraid so, Your Majesty," replied Gren. "She appears to have hit her head."
King Harrow carefully inspected the girl, not wanting to startle her. He gently felt the back of her head, his fingers brushing against the nasty bump. "Take her to the healing quarters. Bring her new clothes and hot stew."
"Yes, King Harrow." Gren bowed and Amaya nodded. Callum and Ezran watched on as
Amaya took the mysterious girl away.
"Is she going to be okay?" Ezran asked innocently.
"Don't worry, she'll be alright." King Harrow assured him. "She just needs some rest."
"Who was she?" Callum asked, more so to himself than to anyone else. Why would some random girl be out in the woods in this weather? What could have happened to her?
"I don't know," Harrow said. "We'll find out in the morning. Right now, you boys try and get some sleep, alright?"
Callum took Ezran out of the throne room together, leaving King Harrow with Lord Viren. The mage narrowed his eyes in worry. "Your Majesty, perhaps we should send another search party, just to be safe."
"At ease, Viren," said King Harrow.
"But what if what happened to that poor girl wasn't a mere accident?" Viren implored.
"We don't know the full story," replied King Harrow.
"Which is why we can't be too careful," Viren said.
"General Amaya and her troops have been scouting the area all day," replied King Harrow. "I think we are safe for the time being. But, if it will ease your stress, I shall send another search party early in the morning just to be safe."
Viren sighed. "Very well, King Harrow." He bowed and exited the throne room, his thoughts still on the mysterious girl. Why was she out in weather like this? Was she lost and or running away from someone? Or... running from something? Viren retreated to his own study and started rummaging through his ancient spell books from his mahogany shelf. He flipped through the pages all through the night, illuminated by the light of the lantern above his head.

Dragon Prince: Warrior (Re-Write) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz