Chapter 6- Memories Part 2

Start from the beginning

“In what sense?” I interjected, intrigued by Severus’ evaluation.

“Physical power,” he clarified, “and perhaps a magical power too,” he shrugged.

I nodded my head as I studied the boy again; I could imagine what Severus had said. Perhaps his species exuded a scent or a power that can be felt by humans to either engender our trust, to warn us of their strength, or perhaps both. It was an intriguing possibility.

I was about to observe the way the boy tended to move in a calculative-manner on his stool, when Severus’ past self yelled: “Why do you want to?”

I felt my eyebrows rise in surprise both by Severus’ outburst and my complete inability to both listen and evaluate in the presence of this boy.

“Severus?” I questioned my companion. I turned to look at him, but he did not answer me; he was watching his past self so intensely it was as if I were invisible and mute to him.

Only then did I pay the guilt-ridden, grieving Severus any attention. I had carelessly neglected observing him. He looked tired and slightly unsteady on his stool. I was not sure how much he had drunk at that point, but he otherwise did not look or sound significantly intoxicated. Immediately I felt for him though; this was the side of Severus I had expected to see in my office, but somehow the mysterious boy must have dragged it out of him the night before. If I was correct, then I wanted to hear every strategy the boy used to make this happen; I knew I would need to talk to Severus about Lily in the future, so any form of assistance, even from a stranger, was more than welcome.

After convincing myself that an evaluation of the boy’s species could occur once the memory had ended, I focused all of my attention on their conversation. I hoped I had not missed anything too significant, otherwise I would have difficulty understanding the impact this boy had on Severus and his grieving over Lily.

“Never tried and never intend to,” the past Severus asserted. “And I’ll be damned if I sit here listening to you talk about your life. Speak to the bartender instead, that’s why he’s here; to listen to pathetic people like you,” he continued scathingly.

Although I could not say I knew Severus well at that point, I did know that neither talking about nor listening to other people’s problems was his ‘cup of tea’ at the best of times, let alone during perhaps the worst night of his life. The present day Severus still seemed to be livid that the boy was so intent on making him talk. I wondered whether Severus later reflected more positively on the boy’s persistence knowing the vital information he would later provide us.

Nevertheless, I was glad that Severus was being somewhat confrontational with the boy; I was curious to see this creature’s reaction when provoked. The boy silently stared at Severus, but I did not feel he was at risk of being attacked… yet. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the bartender went to say something, but the boy merely held up his hand to halt him. Still, he remained silent as if waiting for Severus to retract his comment or apologise.

While the boy remained calm, perhaps dangerously so, I could see that Severus was contemplating how to react to his intense watchfulness. I saw him briefly reach for his wand, but he then seemed to think the better of it, and left it in his robes.

I vigilantly observed the environment around me; I did not want to miss what happened next. So it surprised me when I heard a gasp that seemed to come from outside. Immediately I turned towards the door as did the boy and the present-day Severus. I moved closer to the entrance so I was standing directly in front of the boy’s gaze as he continued to look in that direction. He appeared alarmed as if he saw something terrifying, but then seconds later his face relaxed, but his eyes were tight in concentration. What he was reacting to was a complete mystery to me.

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