Beauty before the beholder

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Just like every story begins
Once upon a time,
I met a certain boy
He was everything Taylor Swift said
But here comes a little twist
He had skin darker than caramel brown
And eyes the size of saucer plates.

I thought these features defined him
Because if everyone around didn't see it
I did, this boy was particularly beautiful
I'm guessing we all know that feeling
When we stare at someone for so long
And we slowly trace their features
From the tiniest to the most noticeable
Then we realize how ethereal their beauty is.

I may have fallen in love with this boy
With eyes as large as saucer plates
And skin darker than caramel brown
I would tell you all about it if I had time
But I just wanted to let you know
That this particular boy might just be
The temporary high I've always needed.

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