Kyle's POV:

We arrived at the party and everyone is staring at us like we just murdered someone right in front of them. These crutches are uncomfortable and they are making my shoulders hurt. It's bad enough that everyone is staring at us, Wendy comes running over to Stan and throwing him into a hug. He seems weirded out and I want to die again but instead I just look away. Kenny spots us and comes over, "Mmpm! Mpuhm?" He says which translates to 'Hey Guys! How you doing?' Butters walks over too, "Uh Hey Kyle, golly you're really hurt aren't ya?" I shrug and sigh. I should take my meds. I find a chair and sit down, I unzip the belly bag I had strapped around my shoulder and take out my pill bottle. "Don't wanna overdose again, Jew!" I look up to see Cartman smirking at me with an arm around Heidi. "What the actual fuck man-" I say, getting pissed off. Stan walks over and sits next to me, and notices Cartman, "Fuck off fatass." I glare at him as he rolls his eyes and strolls away. I open my pills and take a few. "Damn dude-" Stan looks at me, "Already?" "Everyone at this party is pointing out my suicide attempt or kissing you so yeah, I am already." I say with a fake smile. 

Stan's POV:

I watched Kyle take his pills and rolled my eyes at the fact people have already caused him to take his meds. I put my head on his shoulder and sighed. "Is it Cartman?" I ask him. "Well not just Cartman but this whole situation is weir-."
Kyle got cut off because Wendy threw herself on me cuddling into me. "Stannnnn baby get back with me Tolkien is a total bitchhh." I push her off. "Wendy what the fuck?!" I shout at her. "Stanney what was that for?" She looks at me with anger in her eyes but she's clearly had some drinks. She's a lightweight so that explains why she's already drunk. "Kyle are you okay?" I ask him. "I'm fine.." he replies. "Are you sure you are?" I ask not very reassured from his answer. "IM FINE STAN JUST HELP ME UP SO I CAN DRAMATICALLY LEAVE THE HOUSE!" He shouts. I try not to laugh because that would piss him off more and I help him up and he does what he says, he dramatically left the house. "Stanley baby help me upp.." Wendy said with a baby voice. "Fuck off Wendy!" I say and she runs off to Bebe. I sit back down on the couch and sigh, then realise I should probably go after Kyle. So I do and i see him sat outside so I go out.

Kyle's POV:

I hear the door open and someone sits beside me. It's Stan, but I just want to be alone right now. I mean it's good Stan is here because otherwise I would be chugging my bottle of pills and die right on the spot, but I'm pissed. The door slams open again, Bebe and Wendy glare at Stan before Bebe takes him by the arm and forces him to stand up. "You asshole! Why won't you take Wendy back?! She's changed!" Bebe screams at him while Wendy pretends to cry. I try to get up to help him but I can't walk and I can't reach my crutches. "Kyle, stay it's alright" He says reassuring me but I'm still stressed out. "TAKE WENDY BACK YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! STOP RUNNING AROUND WITH THIS DEPRESSED FAGGOT AND DO SOMETHING GOOD FOR ONCE!" I flinch at the word 'faggot.'Bebe is either high or drunk because she normally never acts like this. I'm starting to panic now and I'm beginning to hyperventilate, I try the exercises my therapist taught me but it isn't helping much. Stan starts screaming back at the 2 girls and Tolkien steps out side, "Babe? What the fuck are you doing?" I hear him ask. Stan's going off at those 2 girls and these girls are playing the victim. Tolkien steps in and starts taking Wendy's side, then he punches Stan right in the jaw. 

Stan's POV:

The pain in my jaw is enough to send me haywire, I punch Tolkien straight in the face and kick him in the nuts he falls backwards. Wendy is screaming at Tolkien to fight back while Bebe is screaming at me to stop but Kyle stands there speechless. I jump on Tolkien while he's on the floor and start punching the shit out of him. Bebe hit me once in the nose and it started bleeding but she couldn't do anything else before Craig, Tweek, Butters, Kenny, Cartman and Clyde run out and break it up. Clyde, Tweek and Craig holding me back while Kenny and Butters hold Tolkien back. Cartman somehow got Bebe and Wendy inside, Butters and Kenny took Tolkien to the bathroom to clean him up because I fucked him up. Clyde, Tweek and Craig went to get stuff to clean me up so I stayed with Kyle. "Kyle I'm so sorry this happened I swear I don't want her I want you I'm sorry you had to go through that.." He looks at me in shame, "Stan.. what do we do clearly girls want you and you should go for them because your an attractive teenage boy.. live your life while you can." He says. Those words break my heart into 10 million pieces. "Kyle you know I dont want them, I stuck by your side the whole time you were in hospital I let you live with me for fuck sake and you still tell me that I should go for them." I say harshly. "Is this your way of saying we should break up because every single time I try to do something nice for you I just get pushed away." "Just tell me please.. do you still want me or is it time we part ways..?"

Kyle's POV:

"Stan, the whole point I took those pills was to not live-" I say through my teeth, "I didn't want you to find me, I didn't ask you to punch through my window and save me." He looks at me with a pissed expression, and I grab my crutches to leave. It's not like I wanted to live I think, for all I care he can go bang Wendy upstairs. I sit on a couch I find and take my earbuds out of my pocket. I plug them into my phone and blast my playlist, ignoring everyone around me. I feel that urge, the urge to take those pills out of my bag and leave this cruel world. The urge to take something sharp and cut my neck. That urge. My fists clench and close my eyes to further block out the noise. I try to take deep breaths and get that thought off my mind but it won't go away. It keeps crawling back up. I feel my eyes tear up and my breath is getting shorter, No, I'm not gonna cry in-front of kids from school. I think to myself but the tears roll down and I cover my face with my sleeves. I try to cry quietly but those little gasps escape my mouth and soon less than half of the party I staring at me which just makes me cry harder. No one comforts me, they just watch, judge and snicker.

Stan's POV:

I'm so done with this shit it's not working between us, I message him.

Ky ❤:

Me: -I'm going home do you want a lift or not-

Ky ❤: -No go without me-

Me: -K-

I go over to my car and start it, I start driving home but then I drive past the store. I think to myself for a minute before spinning the car around and heading there, luckily one of my friends works here so I can get anything I want. I pull up and park my car, I get out and walk into the store and see my friend Nate. I put my hand up to him as a hello and go to the alcohol isle, I grab 2 packs of beer and go to the desk where Nate is. "You alright Stan you seem upset?" He asks. "My friend, he's really depressed at the moment and everytime I'm nice to him he just shuts me out I don't know what to do." I respond. "Ah sorry mate don't know how to help you all I can advise you to do is be patient with him." He says. "I guess your right anyway I'll see you soon Yeah?" I reply. "You bet! Bye stan." I walk out the shop. I walk back to my car and get in and drive home. I walk in the house and instantly open a beer, I'm greeted by the cats who are all over me. I stroke them both before throwing myself on the couch and keep drinking. Within 3 hours I've finished all 8 drinks..

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