Chapter 10

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Third Person POV

Harry couldn't believe it. He was finally dating the guy he was pining over for years.

But what if people found out before they were ready?

They had 2 days left together. What if people noticed how close they had gotten and started assuming things?

What if rumors spread?

Harry just decided to push those thoughts aside and enjoy his time with Draco.

Drarry would always try to find opportunities to sneak away together. Where they would snog, talk, snog some more, and do whatever else young, new couples do.

(Think wholesome, not dirty. Please wash your brain thoroughly if you even thought 'that' for a second.)

Their friends had their suspicions, but never really said anything, except for Ron, obviously. He would always accuse them of snogging.

And they would deny it every time.

But that was only in one day.

1 day left.

Neither of them could deny it, but they were obsessed with each other. It was like they had been dating for a lot longer than 2 days.

They were actually quite slick with their excuses. They just wanted as much private time together as possible.

"I'm bored." Harry groaned. He, Draco, Ron, and Hermione were all studying together in the library.

"Then let's go." Draco suggested.

"Not this time," Ron stopped them. "You guys have been making a lot of excuses to leave us the past couple days. What. Is. Going. On?"

Draco and Harry gave each other a look, both wondering if they should tell them. Harry nodded to Draco.

"Tell them. I've barely managed these past days. I can't stand it." Harry whispered.

"But they have to promise not to tell anyone else."

"You have our word." Hermione stated.

"Your best friend is mine now." Draco smirked mischievously.

"You mean-" Ron started.

"How long?" Hermione asked.

"Only a couple days. We were hoping to keep it secret for at least a few months." Harry could barely manage to not burst out laughing.

"Took you long enough."

(The next day)

"We're free! I can use my right hand!"

"I'm gonna have to get used to this. But you know this means we have to go talk to McGonagall now, right?"


The two boys left the room and made their way to McGonagall's office.

"There you are. Now, how effective was the experience for you?"

"I can no longer physically or mentally fight with Harry anymore." Draco shook his head.

"Well, it was pretty effective. I mean.. We're dating now."

"I KNEW- Uh- that's great boys. I suppose you want that a secret, correct?"

"Yes, Headmistress."

(A few months later)

"I WAS RIGHT!" Pansy shouted behind Drarry one day while they were out in the courtyard. She had just witnessed them kiss.

"Keep it down! And, please don't tell anyone." Draco begged.

"Fine. But let me know if you want to come out. You know where I'll be." She walked off.

"We were doing pretty good at keeping it secret since we told McGonagall." Draco sighed.

"That's only one more person." Harry shrugged.

"But it's PANSY! I don't know if we can really trust her to keep a secret."

"I'm sure it'll be fine." Harry reached up and kissed Draco's cheek.

"If you say so." Draco grabbed Harry's chin, and kissed him, long and sweet.

(Last day of school)

"Are you ready?" Draco grabbed Harry's hand. The boys stood in front of the doors of the Great Hall.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

They opened the doors and walked in. All eyes were on them. Everyone was wondering the same thing: 'What are they doing?'

Draco suddenly grabbed Harry by the waist, and kissed him, desperately. That was probably their longest kiss other than the night of the party.

Once they let go, everything went quiet.

Then everyone cheered.

And we're done! I won't be writing anymore, unfortunately. But, I have other stories if you beautiful people are brave enough to read them. Love you! ❤

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