Chapter 8

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Harry POV

I woke up to the sound of a creaking door, sounding close enough I figured it was ours. I didn't open my eyes, but I felt Draco next to me, stirring. He must have sat up, because my arm moved slightly upward. I heard footsteps coming in our direction. Then I heard Hermione's voice.

"Hey, how's he holding up?"

"I can't tell you for sure, but he seemed to be doing okay. He had a bit of a nightmare in the middle of the night, though." Draco replied.

I vaguely remember that. It was terrifying.

"Could you tell what was happening? Was he saying anything?"

"Yeah, it sounded like it was about the family he lived with. That damn student brought back too many horrible memories for him to handle." I felt him squeeze my hand.

"Oh, that's terrible!"

"The party was good up until that point though. I enjoyed it."

"Especially when it came to you finally getting to kiss him, right?"

"You aren't wrong. I think McGonagall does get a good amount of credit though, or else I don't think it would of happened."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I just kept telling myself in my head not to do anything. I did feel my cheeks starting to get hot, though.

"And why do you say that?"

"If she hadn't stuck us together, we wouldn't have bonded. And I probably wouldn't have gone to last night's party if I wasn't attached to Harry, because I would've still been miserable enough that I wouldn't be able to even face him."

"She always deserves more credit than she gets, I'd say."

"Yeah. Uh- By the way, where is everyone else?" I guessed he was looking around us.

"Everyone else is passed out in the common room. Too much Firewhiskey, I assume."

"Obviously. Pansy seems to have an unlimited supply to share."

"I'll leave you and Harry be now. Goodbye, Draco."

"Bye, Granger."

Then I heard the door shut.

"Harry, you're not fooling anyone. I know you've been awake long enough to have heard the whole conversation."

I slowly opened my eyes, then grabbed my glasses from the nightstand beside me as I sat up.

"Alright, you've caught me. Is it really true, though?"


"You said the best part about the party was.."

"Well obviously. Because it was."

"Only for you and I, as far as I know at least."

"Glad to know we both feel the same."

"You also said that if McGonagall hadn't stuck us together, you would have stayed miserable and you wouldn't be able to face me, what did you mean by that?"

"Well, before, when we were enemies, I had still liked you, but I couldn't even admit it to myself. Every time we fought, I felt worse. I wanted to start over this year, but of course, my usual habits and snarkiness got in the way. So if McGonagall hadn't stuck us together, I would have just avoided you as much as possible out of misery. So I wouldn't have been at that party, which was probably the best night I've had since.. Well, birth."

"I felt pretty much the same way. Except if we weren't attached and you didn't show up to the party, I wouldn't have seen any point in being there, and I would probably find and hang out with you and we could have been friends that way."

"You would have gone off to find your enemy rather than stay with your friends?"

(If I wrote a fanfic or oneshot about this, would you guys read it?)

"Yeah, I'm weird that way."

"You're weird in many ways."

"You love it though."

"That's true," He leaned over a bit and gave me a small kiss on the top of my head. "But I've always hated whenever you're right, that will never change."

I just put my head on his shoulder and smiled up at him.

After a while of chatting, we decided to head off to breakfast. As we walked into the common room, we noticed people scattered everywhere. I almost tripped on a few of them, and I probably would have, if Draco wasn't right there.

Once we made it out safely, I turned to Draco, who seemed to be deep in thought.

"Is something wrong, Draco?" I looked up at him worriedly.

"Our two weeks are almost up.." I could hear him barely mumble.

"What's wrong with that?"

"I don't want to let go yet.." He looked back at me, sadly.

"We could still hold hands at anytime, Draco. It's not like I'll run away from you once we're seperated." I gave him a weak smile.

"I know, but-" He pulled me close. "I finally feel needed for once."

"Together or apart, I always needed you, Draco. You always lit up my day, whether we were fighting or not. I just couldn't admit it to anyone, nor myself."

He returned a smile, which made mine bigger.

"Come on, let's go get breakfast." I pulled on his hand and basically lead him to the Great Hall.

We sat down in our usual spot, and he quickly helped me get my breakfast, then moved on to his. I've started to get used to using my left hand, so I can do things without as much of a struggle.

I started thinking about what Draco said. He was right, we only had about 4 days left. It seems long, but the days have been flying by. He seemed so sad, and just thinking about it almost made me want to cry too. Almost. Only because he seemed happier now.

When we finished we decided to head to the library. It was the weekend after all, and Draco was going to help me study.

I managed to get through the studying, only because it was Draco and he kept me going. We eventually went to lunch, afterward we went out to the quidditch pitch just to talk and joke around. Dinner came and went so fast. And then, the day was over.

3 days left.

Stuck Together; In Love (Drarry) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن