Chapter 6

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Draco POV

I've been laying here for the past ten minutes. I woke up early, but of COURSE Potter is still asleep. It's only just past five, and breakfast doesn't start till seven, but I want to get up.

"Potter. Potter!" I whispered.


Oh my Merlin there's his adorable tired voice again.

"I want to get up."

"Very well. What time is it?"


"Bloody hell, Malfoy. Breakfast isn't till seven."

"Yes, but I hear other people awake. It's not that bad. Come on."

I (literally) dragged him out of bed, and down to the common room. Pansy was sitting on the couch talking with Blaise. I sat across from them. And, being the best friends that they are, immediately noticed my presence.

"Hey Dray!" Pansy cheered.

"You're up early." Blaise commented.

"I was finally able to drag him out of bed." I smiled.

"I'm not sure he knows that." Pansy chuckled while pointing to my side.

I looked over to find him back asleep. You will never guess where his head was.

"What is it with you and sleeping on my shoulder?!" I shook him slightly.

"Mmh." Was his reply.

"He isn't really a morning person, is he?" Blaise asked.

"Nope. Never has. I don't think he ever will be." Came a voice from behind me.

I turned my head to see who it was. Obviously it was Weasley. He always shows up out of nowhere.

"I thought you weren't a morning person either." Came another voice, behind Weasley.

"I'm working on it 'Mione!" He turned around as he spoke.

Granger giggled, then walked up to the us, and shook Potter awake from behind the couch. His head bolted upward.

"Ouch, Hermione." He grumbled.

"You have to get used to waking up earlier! Wake yourself up!" She scolded him.

"I'm up, happy now?"

"Not really. But good enough." She walked off.

"How do you deal with that?" Pansy asked.

"Honestly, I don't know how I'm still alive." Potter shrugged.

My friends started laughing, so I couldn't help but join. Potter just had a stupid smile on his face. Beautiful, but stupid.

"I honestly feel bad for you." Blaise said in between laughs.

"Just wait, she'll get to you, too. She will scold anyone and everyone." Potter rolled his eyes.

My two friends started up another conversation, and the four of us continued to talk for a while. Eventually, Potter stopped speaking. He layed his head on the couch, looking all tired.

I don't know why, but I felt like he NEEDED be on my shoulder again. I reluctantly used my free hand to nudge his head. He looked up, surprised. I tapped on my shoulder. He smiled and placed his head there. Pansy and Blaise were so wrapped up in their conversation that they didn't even notice.

After what only felt like minutes, it was time for breakfast. We all stood up, and left to the Great Hall. I helped Potter with his struggle of eating breakfast, and we headed to our first class.

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